
With just a little over 2 months to go for the start of the 2017-18 NBA season, Cleveland Cavaliers have still not been able to resolve their issues. All of their issues revolve around Kyrie Irving.

It was reported late July that Irving wants out of Cleveland. This is still the most shocking news of the NBA off-season. Nobody in the NBA can make out why anyone would want to leave the “best player in the world” for being his own man.


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With time, the situation has escalated and new facts have surfaced. Reportedly, Irving did not talk to his teammates for days during the playoffs and Kyrie finally came out with it in July. Former NBA players such as Ron Harper and Charles Barkley have not shied away from speaking harshly against Irving.

All the possible trade scenarios have died out and quite certainly so. If someone has problems playing alongside LeBron James, what’s to say Kyrie will gel out with anyone, himself included. Irving threw something out in the open and now it’s turned into a boomerang!

Kyrie still has 3 seasons left on his contract and a player option in 2019. So he might not go anywhere for the next two years, whether he likes it or not. The 25 year old has to think it through. There is no rational reason to leave Cleveland, a tleast not right now.