
Despite being a blockbuster season, the first XFL season under Dwayne Johnson suffered a big financial loss. He lost a staggering $60 million, leaving him with no choice but to lay off numerous employees in order to compensate for the loss.

But despite the loss this year, ‘The Corporate Champion’ strongly believes that the XFL is going to return stronger next year. Here is what he said to his fans to ask for their support for the next season of XFL.

XFL is here to stay for the long run, claims Dwayne Johnson

Vince McMahon failed twice to make XFL a success story like WWE. So people are skeptical that the league might be doomed. But Johnson claimed that history will not repeat itself again. He is hopeful his league will be an enormous success and therefore wants his fans to support his dream project.

In a recent interview with Forbes, he said, “We’re building this together. From the ground up, we’re building this together. You, me, these players, these coaches. These players are gonna come. They’re gonna ball out. A lot of them are gonna go to the league, the NFL. We’re gonna be there rooting them along. We’re always gonna do that every single year. But here in this market, in San Antonio, and all the other markets, we’re all building this.”