
The world of WWE and UFC has been drawing closer than ever since the blockbuster TKO deal officially bound the two sports juggernaut together in September. However, the two combat sports genres continue to work separately, despite technically being a conglomerate. But when it comes to their respective on-screen products, their mutual interactions and exchanges are clearly on an upward trajectory. In the same vein, UFC star Joaquin Buckley had a heartwarming moment with Randy Orton after scoring a decisive win against Nursulton Ruziboev in front of his home-grown crowd in St. Louis, Missouri.

The Viper was in attendance in the show alongside the better half, Kim Orton, and had a fun time sitting in the front row throughout. But little did the former WWE Champion know that the last minute of the exaggerated night was about to bring something more overwhelming from him.

Joaquin Buckley showcased a soulful gesture to show his massive love for Randy Orton


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After going back and forth for some time, Joaquin Buckley got away with an impressive victory over his opponent via a unanimous decision, extending his winning streak to 19. Immediately after the win, the UFC bigwig spotted his WWE favorite, Randy Orton watching him from the front row. Failing to control his utmost excitement, the 30-year-old ran towards Orton and embraced him in a wholesome course of events.

The Legend Killer also responded cordially and later took to his Twitter to appreciate the gesture further.

While we don’t know if this was an early sign of Buckley stepping inside the WWE ring or just an endearing fan-boy moment, Derrick Lewis, another Octagon legend, is almost there.

Derrick Lewis showed surprising interest in WWE after his massive victory at UFC St. Louis


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The latter part of UFC night on Saturday contains the main event bout between Derrick Lewis and Rodrigo Nascimento and drew the most groundbreaking responses from fans. After a nail-biting display of power and aggression from both sides, Lewis came out victorious. That said, what he said post-the-match grabbed more eyeballs.

During a media appearance, the 39-year-old was asked an intriguing question about what his outfit would look like if he ever dipped his feet into the WWE ring. Adding more to the intrigue, the MMA artist responded, ”You remember Goldust? Probably something like that.”


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Is a storied WWE run next for the 6-foot-3 UFC star? Well, it doesn’t look like a far-fetched thought at least, given how Dana White recently gave his nod to the idea of his fighters joining WWE in the future. What’s your take on Joaquin Buckley pulling out a heartwarming moment with Randy Orton? Let us know in the comments.