WWE superstars have a lot of moves in their arsenal. But what makes wrestlers stand apart from one another is their ability to perform those moves. Wrestlers should perform the moves convincingly enough for the fan’s entertainment. Furthermore, they should also perform them safely enough so as not to seriously injure their opponents. JBL describes the perfect way.
The proper way to take the Clothesline From Hell
John Bradshaw Layfield a.k.a JBL live-streamed a Q&A session on his YouTube channel “John Layfield“. In the session, JBL described the perfect way for a wrestler to take the ‘Clothesline From Hell’. He used a segment involving Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin as a reference.
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“If you saw Raw this past week [May 3rd], you see Shelton Benjamin almost decapitate Cedric [Alexander]. Here’s what you do wrong with clotheslines: You take ‘em too far away from the body. I took Stan Hansen’s clothesline and that was as brutal as anything there was. I took it several times. You go toward the body and not away from it and people that get scared and not that Cedric got scared, he just didn’t take it — he wasn’t in close.” [transcription via postwrestling]

JBL stated that people flinch outside, thinking they’re getting away from it. That’s when they get clocked. He advised wrestlers to step into the body to take it so that they can end up making it more like a tackle. ‘The Clothesline From Hell’ was more like a tackle than it was anything else if the guy would step in.
JBL after retirement
John Bradshaw Layfield was one of the most decorated wrestlers in WWE history. He was a whopping 18 – time WWE/F Hardcore Champion. Furthermore, he won 3 WWF Tag Team Championships. In recent years, JBL has become one of WWE’s stable play-by-play commentators alongside Michael Cole. The fans instantly accepted JBL as a part of the commentary team, and the rest is history.
A WWE veteran in the commentary team is always a plus. Just ask Jerry “The King” Lawler.
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