
Paul Heyman eventually parted ways from the Bloodline, controlled by Solo Sikoa, and what a reaction he had from the fans when he refused to accept Solo Sikoa as his Tribal Chief. The Bloodline’s welcome segment for Jacob Fatu devolved into a fiasco when Solo Sikoa began to demand that every member of the Bloodline recognize him as the Tribal Chief. This was a resounding nay from the fans, and while Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fatu recognized Solo Sikoa, The Wise Man had other intentions.

Paul Heyman plainly yelled a huge no to Solo Sikoa, indicating that the time had come for him to confront Solo Sikoa for his Tribal Chief Roman Reigns’ position. Paul Heyman received a severe beatdown from the Bloodline after saying no, including a Samoan spike, a splash, and a powerbomb through the announcer’s table.


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These moves are standard for a wrestler, but for Paul Heyman, they are excessively huge, so everyone’s first assumption after the segment was that he would be injured. The officials quickly ran for Heyman to see if he was okay or if he had sustained any injuries. We can see that Heyman is not at all in his best shape at the moment and taking a bump this big was somehow too dangerous for him.

Legendary WWE commentator Jim Ross too expressed concern over Heyman’s health in a prior interview, stating that he believes Heyman is becoming heavier and older with time. He decided it was time for the Wise Man to perform some exercise so he could regain control of his weight and be able to absorb bumps as well. Nonetheless, fans and WWE are not the only ones concerned about Paul Heyman, as it appears that Tribal Chief Roman Reigns is watching all of this unfold.


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Roman Reigns’ comeback is now the first thing suspected after Paul Heyman’s beatdown

Solo Sikoa has successfully taken over the whole clan behind Roman Reigns‘ back, and it appears that he will not stop there. The segment on Smackdown revealed Solo Sikoa’s motives and his betrayal of Paul Heyman has exacerbated the problem. The return of Roman Reigns is the most anticipated moment right now, as fans want it to happen so badly.


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The plot is taking a turn at this time, and it appears like the entire Bloodline is prepared to battle anyone who stands in their way. Roman Reigns, on the other hand, is suspected of returning to the company before Summerslam and given all the things that are happening right now, these speculations can be true.

What are your feelings on this new Bloodline sans the Wise Man? Please share your thoughts on this in the comments.