
WWE Superstars always surprise the fans with something new at Premium Live Events. Also, the entrance of the superstars is one crucial part of Premium Events. At Summer Slam Brock Lesnar embraced his ‘Cowboy Brock’ monicker to a deeper extent.

After Roman Reigns said his now iconic catchphrase ‘Acknowledge Me’, Lesnar’s music rang. The Beast Incarnate came out with a massive pop. However, he took a slight detour and went to the tractor kept nearby. He wore his Cowboy Brock sleeveless shirt and came to the ring with a tractor.


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This was indeed different from what anybody had seen in WWE ever. It is safe to say Brock Lesnar has embraced his real-life personality into his WWE character now. The fans out there were laughing and cheering for the unique antics of the former UFC fighter.

Read More:- WWE Legend Calls Roman Reigns “Trash” at SummerSlam

WWE Twitter shared another tweet in which they called SummerSlam ‘TractorSlam’. It is now confirmed this version of Brock Lesnar will go down as the most memorable one down the lane.

WWE fans react to Brock Lesnar bringing a tractor during his SummerSlam entrance

It is no doubt that Brock Lesnar was the star of the show. Right from the start when he entered the ring with a tractor. The WWE Universe was not able to control their feelings and shared their emotions on Twitter after watching the SummerSlam turn into ‘TractorSlam’.

The WWE Universe will remember this Cowboy Brock entrance for a long time.

The Beast Incarnate announces himself in cowboy style!

Brock Lesnar’s entrance included a tractor at the SummerSlam. However, the tractor fully served its purpose at the biggest party of the Summer. While Lesnar reached near the ring, he stopped and climbed up on the loader of the tractor.

The Beast waved everyone from the top with his hat in his hand in the traditional cowboy fashion. However, Lesnar was on the top of the loader for a reason. He stopped the ring announcer and introduced himself from the top of the tractor loader.


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Moreover, after that, the WWE Universe also witnessed a new version of Brock Lesnar’ The Flying Beast’. As the bell rang, Lesnar directly jumped from the top of the loader on Roman Reigns from the top of the loader. It came as a shock for everyone watching the former WWE Champion jump from this height.


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Did you like the main event of SummerSlam 2022? Did you like Brock Lesnar bringing a tractor to the ring? Share your opinions in the comment box below.

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