
Before becoming the Chairperson of WWE Stephanie McMahon was an on-screen talent. Vince McMahon made her part of many storylines over the years and Stephanie played her part really well.

One of her memorable storylines was an on-screen romantic relationship with WWE Hall of Fame Rob Van Dam. Once a wrestling legend revealed the behind-the-scenes incident while setting this segment.


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A few years ago on Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard, the WWE official talked about the problems they faced while setting a storyline between Stephanie McMahon and Rob Van Dam. He recalled Vince McMahon wanted RVD to show more emotions, and wanted him fully immersed in this angle. However, RVD was uncomfortable with it, as he had recently got married at the time.

Prichard said, ” The story goes that Rob wants to kill me. Rob wanted to do me the famous pick a hand with me and knock my head off. But the story that has never been told on the other side of that was I did go back and share Rob’s concerns because when you go to a talent you ask him, ‘Do you have any problems with the angle or this story that we’re gonna tell?’” 

He added, “Rob had concerns. He didn’t want to do it. His real life situation he didn’t feel comfortable doing it, he didn’t want to do it and I made that known. Vince’s reaction was (In Vince McMahon’s voice), ‘We make movies, damn it! This is make believe, and he is an actor. He’s god damn it portraying a character, and it’s not real.’”

Prichard further explained it was difficult for RVD to tell his wife about the romantic angle he got with Stephanie. However, Prichard brought it up to Mr. McMahon and the former CEO was going to have a chat with the former WWE Champion.

Things took a turn before RVD talked to Vince McMahon 

Bruce Prichard had made Vince McMahon have a meeting with Rob Van Dam to talk about the same. However, before Prichard could tell this to RVD, Brain Gewirtz talked with the Hall of Famer. RVD was furious over this and wanted to smack Brother Love for the same. The ECW original felt everyone was toying with him instead of addressing the problem.

RVD wanted to play pick a hand with Prichard. Van Dam had previously slapped Taz while playing this game, so Prichard was afraid of getting slapped by him. However, later he met with Stephanie and Vince McMahon.

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Brother Love said, “I think Stephanie got to him first, I think Vince got to him and he calmed down by the time he ever got to me.”


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Prichard wanted to be the one telling RVD that he had set a meeting with McMahon. He wanted RVD to listen to the boss and look at the angle from his narrative.


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Eventually, though, things worked out, and everything was resolved.

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