The latest episode of Monday Night Raw ended in a bizarre manner when Randy Orton coughed up black blood yet again and lost to AJ Styles. This was the main event of the night, but the true climax of the show came on Raw Talk.
Making an appearance was WWE Superstar Peyton Royce, who delivered one of the most chilling and deepest promos WWE fans had seen in a while.
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Channeling her inner Miz, the former WWE Tag Team Champion threw her hat in the ring for a shot at the Raw Women’s Championship and demanded a match with Asuka.
“I have been quiet, but closed mouths don’t get paid. I’m not here to hide my talents, in fact, my talents are hidden behind the opinion of others,” claimed Royce. “Why not just let me go Just let me go and see what happens?”

Peyton Royce believes that Asuka’s absence due to injury is tragic but has opened a new spot, and she intends on stepping up to the challenge.
“You know I packed up my life, I moved across the world, I set up in a completely different country with not much of a support system to chase this dream to what, to get stuck in the locker room watching other women do what I do better than 98% of them? And the other 2%? I’ll sure as hell give them a run for their money.”
“It actually hurts. When you know deep in your soul you are destined to be where you are striving for, what you feel you deserve. No, my potential haunts me,” said Royce.
Peyton Royce may finally get the big push fans want
The former IIconic is determined to turn the roster on its head and get to what she feels she deserves to be. Being pushed down too long, Peyton wants to show the world she is Championship material.

“This is where I’m meant to be. And My patience has been running thin for quite some time. So stop wasting my time and give me Asuka,” Royce concluded.
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There were reports last year that Vince McMahon planned on giving Peyton Royce a push which is why the IIconics were split up. However, fans gave up hope when she was poorly booked on the next episodes.

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It looks like Peyton may finally get her due, and we could be looking at a multiple competitor fight at WrestleMania. But first, she will have to prove herself at Fastlane which is probably what will happen.