In a recent segment on RAW, WWE Superstar Randy Orton delivered a passionate promo. With the shadow of the match against Edge looming large over him, “The Legend Killer” still finds time to deal with other threats like he evidently showed us.
In the segment, Randy Orton challenged WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth to a fight and won it with ease.
Taking the opportunity, Orton was about to land a big punt kick on Truth when he was interrupted by Big Show’s entrance.
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Not allowing R-Truth to suffer the same fate as Christian and Edge, Big Show tried to stop Orton. Orton however, was waiting for Show to arrive on the scene.
Orton wanted Big Show to well, show up. It was all part of an elaborate plan. He stops Show in his tracks by threatening to punt-kick Truth on the spot if he took another step.

“The Viper” then laid down his terms and challenged the Big Show to yet another Unsanctioned Match.
Randy Orton took out Christian in the same kind of match
For those of you still wondering, an unsanctioned match is a match in with WWE claims no responsibility for what happens to the contestants in the ring.
The match is expected to get so brutal that the winner is the one that completely dominates the opponent.

The referee has to stop the match in order to decide the winner. Randy Orton faced Christian in a brief unsanctioned match a couple of weeks ago.
The match ended when Orton punt-kicked Christian, who was knocked out cold. He had to be carried away on a stretcher.
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When Big Show interfered with Orton being crowned the Greatest Wrestler Ever, the dye was cast. Now Orton wants to finish off Big Show before he reaches Edge again.

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“The Legend Killer” has something sinister in his mind once more but has been entertaining the crowd left, right, and center. Will Big Show get the better of the duel? We don’t know but Randy Orton isn’t in the mood for joking around.