
It’s not uncommon for wrestlers to bring along their families and dear ones while on the road. A packed schedule in the sports entertainment industry means that performers are on the move all year round. Instead of spending time away from their families, some wrestlers prefer to travel with them. It would seem that a mutually beneficial arrangement would go well with all the involved parties.

However, WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley has recently revealed the promotion’s policy of not allowing wives and girlfriends at events back in the 1990s. And how he was the only one at the receiving end of the said policy.


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‘The King Of Hardcore’ was known for taking insane bumps and performing extreme spots, Foley was an important fixture for WWE in the latter half of the 90s. His iconic feuds with The Undertaker and The Rock are still fresh in many fans’ memories. 

Foley recently talked about the Survivor Series 1996 event in his Foley Is Pod podcast. He discussed a variety of topics during the episode, including his family initially accompanying him at WWE events. And the promotion’s strange policy of disallowing families backstage.

Mick Foley on WWE’s no wives edict

Mick Foley said, “Working my fourth Pay-Per-View with the Undertaker. There’s an edict “no wives backstage.” So my wife is celebrating her birthday. We take a trip together to New York to celebrate. She’s by herself. She’s going to be going to the show by herself. The edict comes down, “no wives.” I appealed — even asked Jim Ross. I was told that was the rule. So now my wife’s on her own, all day.”

And when I get to the show, I’m at the building at one. To me, there’s no reason why my wife can’t be there until six, and then find her seat. But that’s not the case. So if the edict is being followed by everyone, that’s one thing. But if you show up, and you see other wives? Girlfriends? A companion who’d, uh, known the wrestler for 24 hours or less? That’s a problemadded the three times world champion.

Read More: Mick Foley Warns WWE Ahead of a Massive, Star-Studded Night

While Foley did not delve deep into the topic, it did seem that the rules were different for him and his fellow wrestlers. The wrestler, through his own admittance, wasn’t too pleased by the separate treatment he received from his colleagues heading to his match with The Undertaker.

An unforgettable WWE career


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1996 was still early days in Foley’s WWE career, he made a name for himself in the promotion through his tireless ring work. His impressive character work was a thing to behold as he portrayed as many as three personas during his time with the promotion. The personas of Dude Love, Mankind, and Cactus Jack helped him get over with the fans. Foley’s Hell In a Cell clash with The Undertaker at the 1997 King Of The Ring is forever etched in the wrestling folklore.


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Mick Foley might not have been treated with the same respect as his colleagues back in 1996, but he sure earned everyone’s respect by the time he left the promotion. Foley’s comments about the different treatment he received, do highlight the struggles that a new performer has to deal with. It’s good to see that WWE is a much level playing field nowadays and the fans would hope that long may it continue.

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