
If there was ever a need for proof, that wrestling can be unpredictable, Cody Rhodes and his title run is the perfect evidence. Before WrestleMania XL, fans cried for Rhodes to win the title and finish his story. However, after winning the title and leading WWE into a new era, fans are not happy with his title run. Now, a video from over a decade ago showcases Rhodes’ bold prediction.

The main backlash towards The American Nightmare’s title run is that it’s boring. While many have claimed the WWE is cooking something, the comments on a resurfaced video tell a different story.

On the 14 January 2011 episode of WWE SmackDown, Alberto Del Rio, R-Truth, “Dashing” Cody Rhodes, and Rey Mysterio cut a promo. This was ahead of the Royal Rumble for a chance to challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight title held by Edge. During the promo, Rhodes said, “This is the face that is going to main event WrestleMania.” While it was clear that Rhodes was talking about that year’s Mania, fans were shocked at how true the prediction came. Since his return to the company at WrestleMania 38, Rhodes main evented 2 Manias.


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Unfortunately for Mr. Nightmare, fans are unhappy with his current title run or the prediction. While Rhodes didn’t win the Rumble in 2011, he did so this year. While this excited fans, dethroning Roman Reigns was something fans were on the fence for. This was evident in the comment section of the video. The internet wrestling community slated the WWE Universal champion for retreading the same lines and not adding any element to his character after the title win.


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Fan boo Cody Rhodes for his lackluster title run and claim he’s “corny”

“Midcarder, recommended,” despite winning the title, many fans see Rhodes as a midcarder to this day. “Corny then still corny now,” and “Cody sucks,” seem to be the running gag when trolls comment on Rhodes’ videos. One mainstay of the backlash is the vanilla nature of the Rhodes’ whole gimmick. “All while using daddys name 😂,” was another issue fans had with the build-up. The emphasis on Dusty Rhodes’ career seemed way more important than Cody’s.

Another major issue was noted, “this man ended the longest title run if our time” and “Now he mafe that championship boring too.” Despite the spelling mistakes, it is clear that fans are unhappy with Reigns losing the title. Since Mania XL, The Tribal Chief has not been seen on the WWE program.


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“Bring back stardust,” and “Back when he had a good gimmick 👏🏻,” seem to have been by trolls. It is well known that Rhodes hated the Stardust gimmick, which was among the reasons he left the WWE.

What do you think of the video? Tell us in the comments.