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The Good Brothers, Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows, have just won their first championships after leaving WWE. They won the Impact Wrestling World Tag Team Championships at the Turning Point PPV.

The North vs Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows


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Anderson and Gallows faced Ethan Page and Josh Alexander at the PPV. Page and Alexander are collectively called the North, and are one of the finest teams in both Impact Wrestling and the world. The North are two time Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions.

The Good Brothers became Number One contenders for the titles after Doc Gallows beat Ethan Page in a singles match. The victory secured a championship opportunity for the former Bullet Club members.

Anderson and Gallows took their opportunity and proved to the world that they are still one of the best. The North continued their usual displays of tag team brilliance, but they were just not good enough to put away the Good Brothers.

Story of the match

The match started off with the smaller wrestlers in the ring. Anderson and Alexander are the technical wizards of their team, while Gallows and Page are the big men who can deliver big moves.

Anderson’s slick wrestling paired with Gallows high impact offence put them in the driver’s seat for the majority of the match.

Action was fast and furious, with the veteran team struggling to keep up with the pace of the young champions. Page and Alexander tried to outwit the Good Brothers in a game plan that they perfected in Japan.

The North tried to take advantage of the chaos and referee’s confusion to double team Gallows. Gallows managed to fight out of it, and Anderson went absolutely berserk on both men. He hit Page with a spinebuster, and Alexander with the leaping neckbreaker, which helped set up the finish.

With both men incapacitated to the point of no countering, Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer to seal their first Impact Wrestling Tag Team Championships. They will now walk into next week’s episode of Impact with a giant target on their backs.

The Good Brothers add depth to the Impact tag division


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The Impact tag division is steeped in talent. The return of the Motor City Machine Guns added some star power to the division.


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Along with them, there’s Health Slater and Rhyno and even Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. The division is now stacked with talent despite losing the Lucha Bros and LAX to AEW.

This win is Gallows and Anderson’s first tag team championship reign since August 2019. The Good Brothers are now back on top of the tag team world and are back in the conversation of the best tag teams ever.