
Of all the Bloodline’s members, Jacob Fatu made the most decisive of impacts with his scintillating debut on Friday. While he appears to be supporting Solo Sikoa at the moment, he might change sides at any point. Jacob Fatu appears to have made some remarks on the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns in one of his earlier interviews.

Fatu recounted the moment Reigns was crowned both as his Tribal Chief and as the Head of The Table. In his tone, he undoubtedly conveyed respect and expressed his true feelings about facing the former WWE Universal champion.


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According to the newly debuted WWE star, he firmly believes that Roman Reigns is in charge of overseeing the entire clan. Given the size of his entire family, he would not oppose the person in charge of the entire clan. He also downplayed any suggestions of him triumphing over The Tribal Chief. This conveys the reverence he holds for Reigns as he stresses the importance of the role that Reigns holds.

Jacob Fatu stated, “I mean this is Big Dog There is a reason why Afa and Sika came out after him and Jey’s match and blessed him and that ain’t no random sh*t though that’s like okay he is the head. He is the one who takes care of the family. If you guys go back to the Icons documentary of Yokuzuna, Yoko was taking care of the family. This is a big clan. There is a lot of us that is in Roman’s hands now. But Roman Reigns being who he is and what he is done is kinda hard to really balance me and Roman because keep it 100 no disrespect or anything bro is up here fu*k man he might be up”


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So is there a chance that Fatu could switch allegiances upon The Tribal Chief’s comeback to the promotion?

Could Jacob Fatu join forces with Roman Reigns?

Fans now have too much optimism after reading this comment to properly speculate on the Bloodline plot. Following this comment, fans have already begun to presume that Roman Reigns will undoubtedly have Jacob Fatu on his side when he prepares to make his eagerly anticipated comeback to the WWE.


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It appears like WWE is preparing for Jacob Fatu to join the Bloodline and then turn on them by aligning with Reigns. Since there are many possibilities for a lot of things to happen in the Bloodline, WWE may decide to pursue this trajectory or pursue another course of action. Only time will tell us what is going to happen in this storyline moving forward.

How do you feel about Jacob Fatu becoming a member of the Bloodline? How do you folks feel about him joining Roman Reigns’ side? Tell us in the comments below.