
Bobby Lashley has been part of the WWE for quite some time having initially debuted in 2005. With a great physique, insane in-ring ability, and an MMA background, he proved to be a force to be reckoned with. Vince McMahon has also shown his admiration for him despite Lashley being the reason McMahon went bald after the Battle of the Billionaires at WrestleMania 23. But what made McMahon love him so much?

In a recent podcast, Lashley talked about how he made it in the WWE to become one of its top guys. He revealed what made him stand out from the rest of the roster. 

Bobby Lashley never asked Vince McMahon for a raise 


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Lashley signed on to the WWE in 2004 after a successful career in collegiate wrestling and mixed martial arts. Like all wrestlers, he was first sent to OVW before debuting on a dark match for SmackDown. On September 25, 2005, he made his televised debut. Since then, Lashley has achieved many accolades in the ring and praises from fans and critics.

Lashley appeared on the Millionaire Goals Podcast | Episode 35. While talking to Matt Sapaula and co-host Milton Alvarez, the topic of how much money wrestlers make came up. Sharing his experience, Lashley said, “I was very fortunate that when I came in, I didn’t think about the money, I thought about the work.”

Lashley has always been described as a very hardworking individual in the WWE. He went on to explain why he works so hard. He claimed that it was a quote about the harder one works, the luckier one gets that inspired him to be the way he is. In addition, he also brought up how wrestlers went to Vince McMahon for more money but he didn’t do that. “They’re knocking on Vince’s door, ‘I want more money, give me more money,” he said.

Lashley shed light on this by explaining that McMahon paid wrestlers depending on what they brought to the company. This could be in terms of popularity or merchandise sales. He went on to talk about how he never approached McMahon for a raise. 

“I didn’t go to the door, they came to me,” he said. And when McMahon came to give Lashley a raise, it was massive. 

Lashley went from ‘get-by’ money to $1 million per year

According to various websites, Lashley’s annual earnings of the WWE is around $1 million. Although this is not confirmed by the WWE, being among the top stars currently on the roster, Lashley isn’t earning any less.

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Regarding his time in developmental, Lashley said, “When I first got into developmental, I was getting paid ‘get by’ money.” It is a known fact that wrestlers in developmental are not paid highly. It is only after they make it to the roster that they sign a better contract deal.

While on the topic of earnings, Lashley revealed that all he wanted was an opportunity to prove himself before McMahon. “I think my second year in the business, I broke the seven-figure mark,” Lashley said.


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He continued by saying he wasn’t somebody who would fake being nice to get ahead.  In conclusion, he added that being himself got him through the WWE and the fans behind him.

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