
Hulk Hogan made wrestling popular in the 1980s during his run with the WWE. There wasn’t a more globally recognized star than Hogan in that era. Hogan got over with the audience due to his impressive physique, charisma, and patriotic Real American gimmick. The Hulkster inspired a generation by telling them to eat their vitamins and say their prayers. In the ring, he fought wrestlers twice his size and showed them how to overcome the odds. But it turns out Hogan was fighting this battle even before he was a wrestler.

Many fans will be surprised to know that the iconic Hulk Hogan who nobody could take down, was bullied once when he was younger.


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A few years ago, Hogan joined former WCW wrestler Marc Mero in his campaign against bullying. Hogan revealed how he faced bullying as a kid.

Hulk Hogan said people bullied him due to his size

During his days as WWE’s poster boy, Hulk Hogan had a physique that could rival many notable bodybuilders from that era. His physique played a massive role in him becoming a popular star and a role model for a lot of people. However, this wasn’t always the case for The Immortal One.

In 2017, he joined former WWE and WCW wrestler Marc Mero, who started Champion of Choices, an anti-bullying outreach program. Hogan unveiled the issues he faced while growing up and how people teased him for being fat.

READ MORE: Why Did Hulk Hogan Give Up His Musical Career Before Becoming a Pro Wrestler?


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Talking to Mero about being bullied, Hogan said , “I was bullied too. Because when I was younger, I was very fat. Everybody from my brother to everybody in the neighborhood teased me and said everything from your head is too big, you need a bra, you’re so fat. They really came down strong on me and teased me.”

Moreover, he revealed that once while playing baseball as he tried to make a run for the second base but they threw him out and people started laughing at him. The former WWE Champion also said he didn’t take off his shirt at the beach till he was 19. Hogan stated, “Never took my shirt off on the beach till I was 19 years old. I know what it’s like to have people always on you and what it can do to your self-esteem.”


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It is amazing to know how Hogan overcame all this to make a name for himself in the wrestling industry. Hogan inspired many people from his actions and victories inside the ring, but perhaps the biggest inspiration he can give to the people is how he overcame bullying to become a global phenomenon.

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