15th April yet again proved to be a black day in pro wrestling. WWE released several Superstars from the company, including top names like Samoa Joe, Peyton Royce, and Billie Kay. The releases came as a huge shock to everyone. Many called out WWE for being cold and releasing Superstars on the same day as the string of releases last year.
So WWE had Samoa Joe stuck out in a thunderstorm for them, misused a legend like Mickie James, broke up the IIconics, gave Billie Kay and Peyton Royce nothing to work with…. and released them all?
This company man… so damn predictable. pic.twitter.com/YeOeQNe5mk
— Michael Patterson (@michaelp93) April 15, 2021
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Twitter unhappy over Samoa Joe and others getting released
Fans were either shocked or frustrated with WWE for releasing ten WWE Superstars. The worst part is, the releases are more of a salt in the wound situation. Fans didn’t hold back on expressing themselves. A Twitter user cited how the infamous CM Punk ‘pipebomb’ makes sense even today.
So WWE released some of the best talent from their rosters like Samoa Joe , Peyton Royce , Billie Kay & Mickie James
CM Punk Pipebomb is still relevant to this day @CMPunk pic.twitter.com/qK7eYTVNRN
— TANISHQ (@shivam_tanishq) April 15, 2021
Another Twitter user showed a visual representation that resonated with us too! When WWE removed Samoa Joe from the Raw Commentary Team, everyone believed Joe is preparing for an in-ring return. Sadly, the complete opposite happened.
*Samoa Joe is removed form commentary*
Me thinking Released
he’s making
an in ring return pic.twitter.com/DJcxIhqeA6— Fiending For Followers ‼️ (@Fiend4FolIows) April 16, 2021
Honestly, Samoa Joe’s release comes as the biggest surprise. The ‘Samoan Submission Machine’ had been out of action due to concussion for the entire 2020. He joined the Raw Commentary team and fit in perfectly. A veteran like Joe would be an asset for any company, and WWE has made a enormous mistake letting him go.
WWE will regret releasing Samoa Joe.
That’s all I’ma say.
— IBeast (@x_Beast17_x) April 15, 2021
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April 15th was black Wednesday and on the 1 year anniversary WWE wants to do this again?! SMFH I’m fucking pissed right now. The iconics are garbage so they are not my concern. SAOMA JOE? MICKIE JAMES? BO DALLAS? CHELSEA GREEN? I feel so sorry for these people. Budget cuts my ass pic.twitter.com/5kU5NToZAf
— Indigo Uchiha 🇯🇲🗽 (@El_indicud) April 15, 2021
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There is no clarity on why WWE released those ten Superstars from the company. However, we’ll know it all in the weeks and months to come when they share the reasons in the public domain. All we can say is WWE did everyone dirty with these releases.
Also Read: Paul Heyman believes Brock Lesnar Might Return to UFC.