

Is Cody Rhodes' new look a game-changer for his WWE career? What do you think?

Cody Rhodes has always been the typical good guy of the wrestling realm. The man has a softer tone than most of the fighters in the division and might be able to cut soul-soothing promos, but his inner macho man is kept in the shadows. Although his natural body phenomenon is sturdy enough, it is still under the line when being placed open in front of Roman Reigns. But that doesn’t make him any less of a reigning champion. Or does it? Well, fans have their distinct views on this.

While the modern fanfare puts utmost importance on a minutely built storyline and the nuanced character development along with that, a few still think that a great run starts with a great body and hence put a photoshopped picture of a more sturdy Cody Rhodes flaunting his packs on the internet. The picture went viral in a jiffy. Does that mean a push awaits the American Nightmare for real? Let’s make you understand it better from diverse fans’ headspace.

Cody Rhodes has been doing fantastic ever since he started off his dream voyage as the Undisputed Universal WWE World Champion on the WrestleMania 40 stage. The American Nightmare crossed seas and mountains to reach where he is today. From leaving his past with AEW behind to rebuild his footing in the Stamford-based company in 2022, to being on pins and needles for over two years to get his job done at the promotion, the 39-year-old developed an unwavering resilience.


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But still, the challenges haven’t gone mute totally. The constant comparison with the erstwhile historical champion unsettled him several times. In contradiction with the unbridled We Want Cody cry, fans started to raise their fingers at Rhodes’ lackluster booking and the undercard performance as a wrestler. However, Rhodes did not back off and kept delivering on the PPVs. But now, it seems fans want a revamped look from the champ as well.

While one fan stretches on the body improvement, others put their different thoughts out.

WWE fans reacted to a jacked viral photo of Cody Rhodes

What’s your perspective on:

Is Cody Rhodes' new look a game-changer for his WWE career? What do you think?

Have an interesting take?

Cody already possesses a body weighing 220 lbs backed up by a balanced diet and a jam-packed gym schedule. He never breaks his basic rules to stay top in his league. From never skipping breakfast to not including meat in the first meal of the day, Rhodes keeps his plan sorted. The hard work is quite visible in the details of his body structure. Without comparing it with any bigger muscled men in the division, a few fans think he’s perfect the way he is.

Some brought up phenomenal stars in history who didn’t have a typical jacked body. The Heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels comes to our minds.

Some far-sighted fans can see clearly where the comparison stemmed from. The era of Vince McMahon has come to an end for good. But the age-old effect of the customs and beliefs he has set in the foray still lingers in people’s minds. McMahon, as the sole proprietor of the outdated rigid practices in the WWE, used to be a strong advocate of the outlook and physical attributes of the superstars rather than the talent. Fans wonder if the post has its roots in that infamous era.


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Rumors suggested Rhodes might be undermined because of the lack of his study look. Now, it will be a thing to watch out for whether Rhodes will transform himself physically to attract better opportunities as a champion going forward or not.

What’s your take on fans obsessing over Cody Rhodes’ imaginary, big-muscled body? Let us know in the comments.


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