
Tonight, the Survivor Series PLE was not just the only reason to get the All-State Arena going. The return of CM Punk to the Stamford-based promotion was what made the crowd go wild. Indeed, most fans all over the globe were able to hit nostalgia when the ‘Cult of Personality’ theme began playing and The Second City Saint made his entrance inside the arena.

Interestingly, this return convincingly broke a colossal record that was established by Dwayne Johnson. WWE released a video of his comeback on X, and it has garnered over ten million views. This means that his comeback exceeded Dwayne Johnson’s record.

Why did the return of CM Punk surpass the record of Dwayne Johnson?


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CM Punk’s return was indeed a matter of utter anticipation ever since it was announced that Survivor Series would take place in Chicago. Well, The Best in the World proved that all the rumors surrounding him were true, as he made an astounding yet huge comeback to the WWE after the main event of the evening came to a conclusion.


While, in two to three months, the video of The Rock’s unexpected comeback received 9.2 million views, Punk was able to do this in much less time. However, the CM Punk video achieved the task in less than three hours. With over 21 million views as of now, the video seems to be ever-rising, with thousands of fans praising the promotion for taking the move.

Read More – ‘Free Agent’ CM Punk Seemingly Offered a Contract by AEW & WWE’s Rival Company

While both wrestlers seem to be in a war of records, however, it was nothing compared to their feud in 2012. With Punk’s return, this could also be a continuation of the two’s rivalry.

CM Punk and The Rock’s iconic rivalry


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One of the most interesting storylines was between Dwayne Johnson and CM Punk, which began on the 1000th episode of RAW in 2012. The Rock warned Punk that he would return for the WWE title and face him at Royal Rumble 2013. When Punk met The Rock at the Royal Rumble after 434 days of owning the WWE Championship, the feud took off.

The Great One triumphed, bringing an end to Punk’s legendary rule. With heated promos and verbal sparring, their feud grew more intense and concluded in another bout at the Elimination Chamber. Again, it was The Rock who was victorious at Elimination Chamber, making their way towards WrestleMania.


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Well, it was certainly an intriguing storyline for the fans. But it seems that Punk’s return might have settled the score. Do you think there’s a possibility that the two will reignite their feud?

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