
Amid a wave of boos, Solo Sikoa proclaimed himself as the new Tribal Chief. And just behind him was Roman Reigns’ old ally Paul Heyman on the floor, brutally beaten and battered. His fault, you ask? The Hall of Famer had refused to acknowledge the “power hungry” Sikoa as the new leader of the revamped Bloodline.

Exiting the arena in an ambulance, Heyman’s return surely can’t be guaranteed right now. But with the ‘Wiseman’ chair completely empty, who will take his place? Well, there seems to be a candidate all ready to take up the role!

A blast from the past


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Who remembers Armando Estrada? The Palestinian wrestler and manager had garnered an immaculate reputation for his role as a general manager for ECW from 2007 to 2008. But, above all, he was known for his relationship with the former wrestler, Umaga, representing the late superstar on an edition of Monday Night Raw held in 2006.

So now that the Bloodline is full of fresh blood and might even get Zilla Fatu into their group, it seems like they could look to the past to ensure their future. While nothing has been officially confirmed as of now, Estrada didn’t shy away from ruffling some feathers. When a tweet mentioned him as “THE NEW “WISEMAN” FOR THE BLOODLINE 2.0″, the 45-year-old reposted it, simply writing, “Be careful what you wish for….”. And it seems highly possible that this move could come to fruition, as it won’t be the first time that he represents a member of the Bloodline.


Back in 2019, the former WWE manager made his return to wrestling after leaving in 2012. It was during the AAW show Hell Hath No Fury that Estrada appeared to introduce Jacob Fatu. The nephew of Umaga defeated Clayton Gainz in a singles match. So it would be amazing to see Estrada return to the WWE once again to represent some old friends. Or maybe he could be the one to introduce Umaga’s son, Zilla Fatu, who is rumored to be joining the Bloodline soon, even teasing fans with an update on his social media. As for Estrada, his arrival would surely be an iconic moment, playing up the Samoan dynasty of stars yet again!

But, for now, as the fate of the Bloodline and Heyman hangs in the air, could we see a former leader return to avenge his place? Some rumors definitely suggest so!


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Roman Reigns to reign again?

When Roman Reigns took a leave from television in April this year, and Sikoa took over as the de facto leader of the Bloodline, who could have imagined the bloodbath that would soon follow? But with each passing day, the group seemed to be moving away from its original vision, garnering the displeasure of Paul Heyman. And, as expected, it reached a boiling point when Heyman publicly shunned the new leader, pleading his allegiance to Reigns. But with Reigns nowhere in the picture, is Sikoa going to make it all his own? If you listen to some insider talk, a return might be on the cards soon.

As per former WWE host, Matt Camp, 39-year-old wrestler could be looking at a SummerSlam return. “This puts the clock now on Roman Reigns. I don’t know when. But it’s a short attention span theatre in the world of professional wrestling. Everybody knows that. You can tell long stories but I don’t think it’s three months down the road. It’s probably one and a half. We’re looking at SummerSlam right now,” he said while talking on the Busted Open podcast.


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On the other hand, he also postpone his return, partly because of the Bloodline storyline WWE has been building of late. Or at least that’s what TV host and content creator Chris Van Vliet thinks! Talking on the Insight podcast, he opined, “That [The Bloodline Civil War] definitely feels like what we are lined up for here. There’s no reason why they keep adding all of these incredible, talented members to The Bloodline, if we are not going to get some beautiful payoff at some point down the line. I don’t think this is anytime soon. And I think that the Roman return may not even happen in this calendar year. He might not come back till 2025 … I feel like when Roman comes back, he’s inevitably going to get that huge pop. It’s going to be a massive babyface pop and I hope that they keep this as a surprise return.”

In another heartbreaking development, the WWE veteran also lost his father and Hall of Famer,Sika Anoaʻi on June 25. This is sure to put a damper on his probable comeback plans, if any. For now, though, we can only hope that the former Tribal Chief comes back to take this throne soon. But, one thing’s for sure, till then, the arena is surely soon going to echo of ‘We Want Roman Reigns’ chants!