
Everybody is aware of how much Dwayne Johnson cares about his physique and has a strict regime to maintain it. Whenever the point of his fitness occurs, The Rock always talks seriously about it and gives his advice.

However, did you ever imagine The Rock would go beyond just caring about his body? He once shared what he names his particular body part.


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A couple of years ago, the YouTube channel Biscoot TV shared a video of Dwayne Johnson, revealing his workout secrets. However, the WWE legend, while giving away his workout schedule, shared about naming his biceps.

The Rock said, “On Thursday I’ll train arms and the ‘Thunder Cookies’ as we call them or as I call them when I’m drunk (Starts laughing).”

This was indeed a funny name for his huge biceps, which measure at 20-inches. The Teth Adam actor gave a hilarious name to his biceps and showed how he might have cared about them when being off-camera.  

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Moreover, only The Rock can come up with such names, and fans all must’ve experienced this during his WWE career. DJ often came up with some hilarious words and catchphrases while cutting a promo in WWE.

Nevertheless, whatever names he gives to his massive biceps, the main aim is to keep them huge. Johnson is successful in the same and apart from being of the most bankable Hollywood stars, he is also a bodybuilding icon.

Weekly workout schedule of Dwayne Johnson

The fans mostly remember The Great One with a new physique in the movie Fast 5 as Agent Hobbs. Since then we saw a completely different version of Dwayne Johnson physically as he grew much bigger as the years passed.

However, have you wondered what is the workout schedule of DJ? Many of you who are diehard fans of The Rock might have a tab on his weekly workout regime. For those who are unaware, let us tell you about the same in a short version of what Johnson shared in the above video.

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So his week starts on Monday with chest, abs, stretching, and calves workout. On Tuesday he works on his back, and abs followed by stretching, neck, and calves training. Wednesday he trains two muscles, i.e. shoulders and abs.


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On Thursday he trains his arms and biceps what he calls ‘Thunder Cookies’ and calves. Friday he trains chest and back. A big day on Saturday with an intense leg workout. However, on Sunday, he has a cheat day on which he eats pancakes and, if free, does some stretching.