
Dwayne Johnson consumes six to seven meals a day to maintain energy for his physique. As shared by him several times, he intakes 6000 to 8000 calories a day to stay fit for any action-packed role. 

However, the question is, is DJ really naturally made a huge physique? An IFBB Bodybuilder recently shared his thoughts on The Rock’s massive physique and his diet pattern.


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Earlier this year, IFBB Bodybuilder and Fitness Coach Greg Doucette shared a video on YouTube exclusively on Dwayne Johnson’s fitness regime. He questioned The Rock’s diet of  6000 to 8000 calories and claimed DJ is lying about the same.

Doucette said, “l race bikes, I do a sh*t ton of cardio. I can tell you there is no way The Rock burns enough calories to average 6,000-8000 calories a day and look like this. If he actually ate those kinds of calories, 6 to 8 thousand calories a day, he would be a hundred pounds overweight.”

The coach added, “There is no way he can eat this much. I think The Rock eats to look in his peak forms doing the movies. Maybe 4000, that would be respectable probably half of what is saying. But hey don’t take my word for it let’s listen to what he quite literally says he eats. We’ll see if it makes sense like 6000-8000 calories or more like half of that!”

A clip from DJ’s interview with Delish plays in which he stated about his diet, cheat meals, and how he gets energy for workouts. In that clip, the WWE legend says consuming between 6000-8000 calories, irrespective of whether he is preparing for a movie role or not.

Read More:- “I’ll Always Be a Bodybuilder”: Dwayne Johnson Once Revealed How Bodybuilding Plays a Greater Role in His Success Than All His Other Traits

Nevertheless, the IFBB Bodybuilder isn’t ready to believe that DJ eats this much in a day. He claims at the age of 50-year-old, having a natural physique like The Rock is nearly impossible.

Greg Doucette said he eats more than Dwayne Johnson

After sharing his views on Johnson’s high-calorie diet, Doucette talked about how much food The Rock probably consumes daily. He explained when a bodybuilder or a celebrity says their calorie intake, it’s always half of it. However, the coach stated he might eat more than the Hollywood star.


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Doucette said, “Every day I personally eat more than I see Rock eat. Yet I eat an average of 3500 calories a day. I usually eat 3 to 4 thousand cal a day. How can The Rock eat twice what I eat? Is he twice my size? “

He added, “Does he work out twice as much as Coach Greg, is he racing bikes as far as I am, is he even doing a s*** ton of cardio? I don’t think so, so how do you think that The Rock is staying in the shape that he is if he’s eating that many calories? News flash, report Greg right here, reporting the news, The Rock’s lying.”


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Doucette also stated that The Rock never reveals his 5-6 thousand calorie diet. What are your thoughts on these comments? Share your opinion below.

Watch This Story:- Top Six Hollywood Movies of Former WWE Champion Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson