
Anyone who enjoyed Dwayne Johnson in the WWE will know about his XFL League. The brainchild of Vince McMahon in 2001 and reintroduced in 2018, the second iteration of the league did not work as McMahon envisioned. Finally, bought by Johnson in August 2020, it was reinvented by the WWE legend. Today, the league is heading into its third season; let’s look at how much it pays its players compared to the WWE.

The WWE is notorious for underpaying its wrestlers, so how does Johnson’s XFL League compare to it?

Dwayne Johnson’s XFL League vs the WWE’s payment scale


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Johnson has been part of the WWE for over two decades now. Since he debuted on Monday Night Raw as a member of Marc Mero’s entourage on November 4, 1996, he’s become one of the most successful stars. Today, despite appearing sporadically, Johnson reportedly earns $5 million annually from the WWE.

Being a massive draw in the WWE, the company still pays the now-action star handsomely, even for a one-night appearance. His return to SmackDown resulted in multiple hashtags trending on social media. Everything from SmackDown to The Rock to his potential upcoming feud was a hot topic. This kind of draw is exactly what the WWE needs when ratings are low. The average salary for a mid-carder in the WWE is $7 million, while the highest is $12 million.

So, how much does Johnson’s XFL League pay its players? When it comes to Johnson’s XFL League, there are multiple salary packages. This depends on the players’ level and how much they contribute to the team. While the ones that make the final roster make $59,000 annually, others make less.

READ MORE: After $60M Loss, Dwayne Johnson’s XFL Comes Back With New Strategy for 2024 Season

Reports from ESPN suggest that some packages for small-time players can be around $20,000. While this sounds very low, some players get between $1,000 to $5000 per game. Since this is for players who are either just starting or not contributing that much, it’s not that bad of an amount. In conclusion, it depends on what your passion and skill set is. However, if you make it to the mid-cards in the WWE, you will be paid better.

That brings us to the question of what the Hollywood actor’s plans for the future in the WWE are. Let’s explore that topic further.


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Johnson’s plans in the WWE

As mentioned earlier, Johnson returned to SmackDown in August. However, since then, there have been no new developments in why he returned. Fans speculate that it could be to face Roman Reigns and end The Bloodline.

While Reigns and Johnson are real-life cousins and fans want to see the two square off, the WWE could push another angle. Johnson will be part of the storyline as a special guest referee while someone else ends it. A myriad of possibilities exist in how this feud could play out. Time will answer the question on how his storyline in the WWE could pan out.


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What do you think about Johnson’s XFL’s pay scale compared to the WWE? Tell us down below.

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