The Rock rose to prominence at the top of the Attitude Era, where he became the company’s most popular wrestler. A big part of what gave The Rock his charisma was his catchphrases. These verbal ‘SmackDowns’ were as potent as the Rock Bottom or the People’s Elbow.
The iconic catchphrases of The Rock
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Dwayne Johnson’s most iconic catchphrase was ‘If You Smell What the Rock is Cooking!’ It was so popular that WWE added it to his entrance theme. He usually said during his stints as a babyface and avoided it while he was a heel. It became customary for him to end a promo with those eight words.
This catchphrase became very popular as The Rock turned face in 1999. Shane McMahon screwed him over at Backlash 1999, which led to him feuding with Triple H. Along with the iconic catchphrase, he began referring to his opponents as ‘jabroni’.
Catchphrases that made the crowd go nuts
One catchphrase that involved the audience was the ‘Millions and Millions’. It usually followed the catchphrase, ‘Finally, The Rock has come back to [Name of city]’. The audience would get riled up once The Rock would yell these words into the microphone.
Another incredible catchphrase was ‘The Jabroni-beatin’, pie-eatin’, Hell-raisin’, trailblazin’, People’s Champ!’ The most iconic version of this catchphrase came in 2003 in Canada. The Rock ended his blazing promo with ‘Jabroni-Beatin’, Pie-Eatin’, Trailblazin’, Eyebrow Raisin’, Stronger than a bear, faster than a buck, the biggest thing to hit Canada ’cause the Maple Leafs suck!’
Catchphrases The Rock used to shut down his rivals
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Two incredible catchphrases were meant to shut Rocky’s opponents up in an instant. Both were quite explosive, and the crowd loved every bit.
The first one is ‘Know your role and shut your mouth!’ He pulled out this catchphrase while in a promo exchange with another superstar. The most iconic version of this catchphrase came against Rusev on Raw in 2014, leaving him and Lana speechless.
The second catchphrase was, ‘It doesn’t matter what you think!’ Rocky hit his opponents with this catchphrase while they were cutting a promo. He would often ask his opponent what he thought he would do to him in the ring. When the opponent would begin speaking, The Rock would cut him off with the iconic line.
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Charisma played a big part in the success of Dwayne Johnson‘s wrestling career, and these catchphrases added to his already bucket-load of charisma.
Read more: From Rocky Maivia to The Rock: The Spectacular Evolution of a WWE Legend