
Tonight’s episode of WWE Monday Night RAW emerged as a monumental one marked by some star-studded appearances. The first was from UFC’s Michael Chandler. Chandler got the crowd at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California, riled up as he called out Conor McGregor. However, after this, another undefeated combat sports personality made his presence known.

After Michael Chander, Callum Walsh was seen on WWE RAW

Moments after Michael Chander called out McGregor, the camera panned towards the crowd to reveal boxer Callum Walsh. The 22-year-old Irish boxer is a six-time Irish champion and a European gold medalist. After an impressive 9-0 streak, he earned the title of ‘King’ Callum Walsh. This got the crowd excited while the commentary team hyped him up.


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Pat McAfee, on commentary, announced, “The stars are out here in Anaheim. You’re looking at a Dana White backed, Freddie Roach trained, 9-0 boxer who has 7 knockouts named King Callum Walsh out of Cork, Ireland.”

This comes as no surprise with UFC and boxing stars showing up in the WWE. Since the merger between UFC and WWE under TKO Group Holdings, this will soon become common. With both combat entertainment sports now under one banner, there will be crossovers. This is something that fans know about and are excited about. There have been speculations that the crossovers will also see matches being held in the opposite entity’s ring.

READ MORE: Every WWE Star Who Made an Appearance at UFC 298


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Walsh is waiting for March 15 for his bout against Dauren Yeleussinov. This event will take place at the Hulu Theater in Madison Square Garden. Experts are expecting a large Irish fan turnout over St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Should Walsh maintain his current impressive form, he’ll quickly gain widespread attention. In the meantime, making appearances on major platforms like WWE will further his rise in prominence.

The dawn of UFC and WWE crossover events

WWE Superstars showed up at UFC 298 because WWE, UFC, and the Honda Center signed long-term deals together through TKO Group Holdings. This partnership means there will be more WWE and UFC events at the Honda Center. It also shows how closely WWE and UFC are working together. CM Punk, who used to fight in UFC, was backstage talking to fighters. This shows that athletes from both WWE and UFC are becoming closer.


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The teamwork between these big entertainment companies is set to create new chances for promotion across different fan bases. It will bring fans of both worlds together like never before. What did you think of Callum Walsh appearing on WWE? Tell us down below.

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