
“The Immortal” Hulk Hogan was a massive name in pro-wrestling during the Golden Age era of WWE in the 80s. Hulkamania ran wild at every arena and fans would go crazy watching him. Hogan, in his second run with WWE, went to have a successful career in pro-wrestling, becoming an ultimate babyface.

Hogan won multiple championships during his career and was on top for a long period. In one video, he also shared how his WWE run encouraged many current generations of pro-wrestlers to join the industry. Prime examples are The Rock, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, etc.


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One name which wrestling fans are not aware of is the current AEW star, “The Redeemer” Miro aka Rusev. Recently, Miro appeared on The Kurt Angle Show which is hosted by Angle himself, along with Paul Bromwell. There he opened up with his story of falling in love with pro-wrestling and how watching Hulk Hogan’s matches encouraged him.

Miro said, “I think I was six or seven years old when (the) first time I saw the tape of Hulkamania. That was my first introduction to professional wrestling and ever since it was a wild hunt across my town to find more tapes to watch wrestling and that’s how I first got introduced.”

Hulk Hogan’s matches inspired a young Miro to pursue his love for pro-wrestling. As Miro said, he went across his town to find more VHS tapes in Bulgaria.

He recalled there were barely color TVs in Bulgaria and he had to scout for VHS tapes to watch Hogan matches. When cable TV came to Bulgaria in 1996, it became easy for him to watch WWE and WCW. He had time to watch Hulk Hogan with no interruption, then on forward.

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Miro’s first match of Hulk Hogan


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Kurt Angle asked Miro about the first match he saw of Hulk Hogan. Initially, Miro had to watch pro-wrestling on VHS tapes. He hadn’t seen many matches of Hogan. He vividly remembered his first match of Hulkamania, which was against Sgt. Slaughter. 

Sgt. was a heel in this match and this made Miro think why a heel can’t go over for more time. This match made him a fan of Hulk Hogan, but also gave him a taste of being a heel.


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Fast forward some years later, Miro started his career in WWE as a heel and found success. It can be easily said Hulk Hogan is indirectly related to getting Miro to pursue pro-wrestling.

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