
Dijak is currently free to pursue other opportunities in the professional wrestling industry, having formally departed the WWE. The wrestler has promise and appears to be among the top free agents available. So it won’t take long for interested parties to outline their interest in signing him. AEW has emerged as the most viable contender to sign Dijak.

AEW usually targets superstars who have displayed a plethora of talents but never attained a platform to effectively showcase it or were underutilized. Dijak appears to fit well with these criteria. There are many speculations regarding the former WWE star joining AEW right now. The 37-year-old superstar has replied to these queries and provided an update on his position.


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Dijack recently appeared on InsideMXM, where he was quizzed about his standing in professional wrestling. He added that he would love to go to AEW because it would allow him to shine once more and show everyone what he is truly capable of. Although he has not signed a contract with AEW and the company has not provided him with a contract, it appears that the talks between the two sides could materialize soon enough.

Dijak stated, “I would love to be able to try and do something like that in AEW if given the creative freedom and the opportunity.” Moreover, when asked if he could pitch something good to AEW or not, he gave an interesting reply to fans who await his next move.

Dijak has sent ideas to AEW creatives over his new character

In the same interview, Dijak was asked whether there was a specific character or storyline he would want to have in AEW. Furthermore, the inquiry asked him what pitches he would make to AEW, hoping the corporation would grant him a contract. On this topic, Dijak indicated that he has already picked these pitches and has forwarded them to AEW. Former WWE superstar stated on this question, “They have already been drafted and submitted.” Fans expressed their delight when they heard Dijak’s statements since it confirms that if all goes well, we may see him on AEW, where he can showcase his charisma better.

What are your opinions on Dijak potentially joining AEW in the future? Which character would you like for him to play in AEW? Let us know in the comments.