The iconic fashion show, Met Gala, features some of the renowned tennis superstars in addition to a slew of celebrity figures. The American tennis legend, Serena Williams is another regular attendee of the renowned fashion event, given her previous appearances at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. And now it looks like the Queen of Court will again delight the audience with her dazzling looks during this season’s Met Ball. Although she is yet to reveal her plans for the event, her husband, Alexis Ohanian, recently confirmed her presence at the event.
Serena Williams is going to attend the iconic fashion show co-hosted by Roger Federer
A lot of tennis fans were delighted upon hearing the news of the Swiss Maestro becoming one of the co-chairs among other icons gracing the fashion event. Roger Federer is now going to co-host this season’s Met Gala which will take place on Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City. Joining the list of global stars is none other than Serena Williams, who is known for her stunning and dazzling appearances at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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Her presence at the Met Ball was recently confirmed by her husband, Alexis Ohanian. On Twitter, the American entrepreneur shared some sneak peeks of his GUCCI outfits that will be donned on the special occasion.
The Reddit co-founder also revealed that his tuxedo is almost prepared for the Met Ball and his legion of fans will be quite excited to see what’s in store. Ohanian shared a picture of his sleek derby shoes from the Italian fashion powerhouse, and added a caption, “I stopped by @GUCCI NY today to get a final fitting for my tux for the #METGALA2023 and I think some of my followers will REALLY like what’s coming”
I stopped by @GUCCI NY today to get a final fitting for my tux for the #METGALA2023 and I think some of my followers will REALLY like what's coming
— Alexis Ohanian 🧠 (@alexisohanian) April 18, 2023
The GUCCI store’s personnel received praise from the tech entrepreneur for their amazing customer service. Ohanian commented, “The team over there is amazing btw. Much love.”
The team over there is amazing btw. Much love.
— Alexis Ohanian 🧠 (@alexisohanian) April 18, 2023
However, that wasn’t it. Fans were curious about whether Serena Williams would be there or not.
She'll be a showstopper as usual and I'll be there too 😆
— Alexis Ohanian 🧠 (@alexisohanian) April 18, 2023
Ohanian didn’t disappoint the fans and confirmed her presence.
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Williams’ celeb pals will also be there at the Met Gala
The Queen of the Court is one of the most popular figures across the globe and thus has close connections with global icons like Meghan Markle and Kim Kardashian. The Duchess of Sussex is set to make her appearance at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Even Kardashian might be joining her pals, Williams and Markle, to dazzle the public at the Met Gala.
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What do you think of the celebrity guest list for the iconic fashion show? Let us know in the comments section.
WATCH THIS STORY: Serena Williams pays tribute to Roger Federer.