
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

The Chicago Sky has been going places with their recent victory over Dallas Wings. The Sky crew avenged their season-opener defeat with an impressive 83-74 win. However, they still need their trailblazing player, Kamilla Cardoso. As informed previously, Cardoso needs 4-6 weeks to recover from an injury on her shoulder, and it has hardly been 2 weeks since then.

The Chicago Sky was in training when the preseason games commenced in which teams had time to let that energy out on the court. Of course, the rookies were feeling the need to keep the building anxiety in check with some on-court hustle. However, things didn’t go as planned for Cardoso as she ended up being hit and hence declared injured.

Kamilla Cardoso’s injury report


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It was Chicago’s preseason game against Minnesota when Kamilla Cardoso had started making the game worthwhile. She dropped an efficient stat line of 6 points, 4 rebounds, 2 blocks, a steal, and an assist within just 13 minutes on the floor. Shortly after that, she sustained a painful injury on her shoulder.

As a result, she was advised to rest and recover for at least 4-6 weeks before making a comeback to the court. A week after her injury, she appeared in front of reporters on media day, where she got all emotional talking about the incident and all the things after that.

“Just being at practice, watching, keep learning. Even though I am not able to practice, just watching the plays, learning the plays, and just staying connected to my teammates. Um, they’ve been very supportive. They’ve been helping me a lot, and yeah,” Cardoso talks about the undivided support she is getting from her teammates at Chicago which is helping her have a speedy recovery.

“Honestly, it’s frustrating, I never got hurt before. Um, I never had to sit out a game before in my life. So, it’s really frustrating but I know I got some really good people here, they got my back and I just gotta trust God. I believe that everything happens for a reason, even though I don’t understand what the reason might be right now, but I just gotta keep trusting God,” she said, describing this difficult time with a heavy voice.

It is understandable as Cardoso hasn’t been in a situation like this ever before in her basketball journey. She is a remarkably strong athlete who left her home to establish a career as a professional basketball player in South Carolina.


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Given the ideal duration of her recovery, fans are eager for Kamilla Cardoso’s return.

When will the fans be seeing Cardoso back in action?

It is not a definite day or time for Cardoso to make a comeback, given she needs to recover at least 4-6 weeks. Also, she cannot force into this, as it might make things worse for her. Even her teammates and Coach Weatherspoon do not want her to rush things as they hold the fort pretty firmly.


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On the Sky’s recent media day, Cardoso spilled the beans on how strongly she trusts and regards Coach Weatherspoon who sees the players as they are. “She is a great coach, she was a great player and just being able to have her, even though she is a rookie, she has just been doing great things since I have been here. She has a lot of energy and she just helps me a lot and gives me the confidence. I feel like, when I was making my transition to the WNBA I wanted to play for a coach that I could really trust and a coach that would have my back and she has shown me nothing but that,” says Cardoso.

The season has just lifted off and despite it going to be a short one, there are going to be many more times in the future for Kamilla Cardoso to slay the court at W. So, it is wise for her to focus on her recovery with a parade of supportive teammates and coaching staff alongside.