
The number of instances of street violence, especially of late in Las Vegas have only been on the rise. The city that is a destination vacation spot for thousands around the world, is slowly becoming famous for massive tourist brawls that see high intensity violence and chaos.

One such video emerged on X, which showed a very large group of people, involved in a scuffle that looked straight out of a WWE Royal Rumble match from the old days. Uploaded by the page ‘TopStreetFights’, the video started with loud screams in the background and a man tumbling to the floor.

Las Vegas strip turns into WWE ring, once again


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It looked like a huge fight broke out between two different groups of people out and about in the fun-loving city of Vegas. A tall man kept shouting “Watch out, watch out” as several people gathered together and started to hit each other with no one holding back their punches.

The same man then ran towards another from behind and struck him rather hard and fell to the floor with him. The cameraman though, found the entire incident amusing and was heard chuckling as he recorded the chaos.

People rushed to control the madness but one man, who looked completely overpowered with anger, took a wild swing and knocked out another man, UFC-style. All it took was one hefty blow to the face and the man was out cold. He didn’t stop there and went on to do the same thing to another man, getting two KO’s, something that we don’t see in a UFC fight.

The cameraman too changed his stance and sounded worried after watching all of it unfold.

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Netizens react to violent clash

The violent street altercation was a throwback to a very recent and similar incident at the Las Vegas strip. The Labor Day weekend is a time when people venture out to take some steam off and enjoy the break.

A visit to Las Vegas and an evening at the strip should be fun-filled and happy but that was the exact opposite that happened for this group. Just like in this video, a group of people broke out into a violent clash that mirrored scenes from a WWE script.

Police later arrested the people responsible for the violence but not before a few people were injured amidst the madness. The internet too was shocked to witness the craziness unfold. Here are some of the top reactions on the video.

Ox called the entire scuffle rough and was quite surprised at what they saw.

Morez said the man knocked those two men out like it was regular business for him.

This user expressed extreme displeasure with what he saw in the video.

I’mtrippy just said “damn” but there was a lot of sadness in the comment.


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Luhbrim just called the whole incident sad, especially since there were children around too.


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Las Vegas, famous for its casinos, hotels and carnival-like atmosphere, will be hopeful that people refrain from taking away from its beauty and charm.

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