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Skydivers coming to

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Skydivers coming to
If a person puts their minds to something, then nothing is an impossible feat. Be it trekking the difficult terrain of Mount Everest, deep sea diving into the terrifying ocean water or skydiving from the 10000ft above amidst the clouds. The only thing standing between an impossible task is the person’s own inhibitions, and that is exactly what this blind duo from Hampton Roads proved.
One in every million citizen of the United States of America suffers from blindness, as per data from the CDC. Shannon Britt and Jennifer Blinsmon, part of the million people who unfortunately lost their sight, have dared to dream and pulled off what seems impossible. A sky dive is perhaps one of those adventure sports that people with eyesight will fear from trying, but the undying and daring spirit of these two has left a mark on many.
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Two unlikely candidates pull of a daring sky dive
Living your life through blindness is difficult, something that a major part of the world has no idea about. But this female duo of Shannon and Jennifer decided to do something exciting and memorable in their lives. They chose to sky dive. They both are members of the Tidewater Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia (NFBV).
The duo revealed to the media that this thought of pulling of a sky dive has been in their minds for quite some time and the auspicious day had finally arrived. You would think that any normal person would be a little nervous, but not these two brave hearted souls. If anything, they were little kids, all brimming with excitement, as if they were about to get some candy.
“It’s been a dream to do this forever,” said Britt.
“This is something not a lot of people think to do. So we’re going to do it,” added Blinsmon.
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A day that they will never forget
On the day of their unforgettable adventure, the iconic duo was in absolutely noble spirits. They shared a laugh or two with their instructor and showed no signs of backing down, something that does happen with people quite often as they make the journey upward to the sky.
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“And I get to drive, right?” asked Shannon to her skydiving instructor. He replied back saying, “Absolutely. And I’m going to close my eyes too.”
They listened to them lay out the instructions carefully before their courageous jump, a crucial part of a sky dive.