
The WWE Royal Rumble is a highly anticipated pay-per-view event where wrestling superstars battle it out in the ring. Similar events happen year-round, resembling the iconic WWE event. Today, a video shows several women fighting in a food joint, proving the point.

As the girls battled it out among themselves, the other customers of the restaurant were flabbergasted. The brutality of the altercation was a frightening sight with kicks, punches, and hair pulling on display in their full glory. Thus, without much ado, let’s hop into today’s video and analyze the mayhem that transpired. 

WWE-style mayhem leaves Taco Bell in chaos


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The video was uploaded by GLOBALFIGHTS on Twitter, recently rebranded as X. In the short, thirteen seconds long video, we cut to business right from the start. The backdrop was that of a food joint, which, from the caption, seems like Taco Bell. As many as four girls were initially seen fighting with each other as the place looked like absolute chaos. 

A girl wearing a grey half-sleeve t-shirt and black pants was seen attacking another one wearing an all-black outfit. While this fight looked quite interesting, another altercation was brewing not far away. A woman with a black t-shirt and grey jeans was seen getting attacked by another one. In the free-for-all brawl that broke out, it was pretty difficult to keep track of what was going on. Suddenly, we saw the girl clad in all black come running and deliver a brutal kick to one of her opponents who immediately fell to the ground. 

Such scenes left the customers shell-shocked. People were seen fleeing the scene and evading any injuries desperately. The video instantly became viral, and netizens were quick to react. 

Twitteratis have their say on the Taco Bell brawl

The post received more than 27k views. It was captioned, “Free For All at TacoBell winner gets the last taco!”, and several viewers shared their thoughts on the video in the comment section.

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One of the users added a hilarious comment and mentioned a plot twist for the ongoing altercation caught on camera.

Another user commented that the reported reason behind the altercation seemed useless to him.


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While restaurants are usually a place for leisure and to spend some quality time with loved ones, incidents like these are surely a spoilsport. Thus, next time, when you are inside a Taco Bell or KFC, do watch out for some free WWE-themed shows going on around you! 


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