
Meeting your childhood heroes is always a special feeling. Recently, Indiana Pacers point guard Tyrese Haliburton experienced a special feeling as he had a sudden meet-up with a pro wrestling icon. In a recently posted video, we see Haliburton excited to catch a glimpse of the 5x WCW champion while on his way to their match.

The 23-year-old point guard looked stunned as he had a fanboy moment while shaking hands with the legendary Booker-T. To add to his excitement, apart from Booker-T, Queen Sharmell too was present at the arena and wished the Pacers all the very best for the match. 

Dream come true moment for Tyrese Haliburton


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Tyrese Haliburton is well-known for his inclination towards the pro-wrestling world. He follows the developments keenly and also dishes out his opinions on the important happenings in the pro-wrestling realm. Recently, Haliburton stated his excitement when CM Punk returned to WWE in the latest edition of the Survivor Series. Thus, when such a character comes face to face with ‘King Bookah,’ excitement is bound to reach its peak. 

In the short clip uploaded by Clutch Sports on Twitter, recently rebranded as X, we witness the Pacers getting ready for their match against the Houston Rockets. However, just as Tyrese Haliburton was about to jog off to the ground, he saw Booker T standing in the distance! Haliburton rushed to meet the legend as the duo shared a warm hug. Booker T also extended his best wishes to other members of the Pacers for the match. 

Haliburton also shared pleasantries with Booker T’s wife and addressed her as the “Queen.” This was a throwback to the time when Booker T donned the persona of “King Bookah” in WWE, and thus, his wife was called the “Queen”. 

Later on in the match, Booker T’s wishes seemed to have worked wonders for the Pacers and, especially, Haliburton. Indiana Pacers got the better of the Rockets in a closely fought game, which they won 123-117. Tyrese Haliburton was the star of the match, scoring 33 points, 6 rebounds, and 10 assists. Such a video had the fans talking, and they went into a frenzy!

Fans ecstatic after witnessing Haliburton’s fanboy moment 

The post captioned, “Tyrese Haliburton meeting Booker T and Queen Sharmell pre-game is the crossover you didn’t know you needed 🤝”, received more than 1.45 million views in less than 24 hours. The video also received more than 10k likes at the time of writing this article. Fans shared their love in the comment section of the post.

Read More: Booker T Announces In-Ring Return of a Past First-Ever Champion in WWE, Just Weeks After She Blasted Them for Premature End to Her Lengthy Stint

One of the users reminiscing about the old days commented about how WWE had fans in a headlock back in those days.

One fan mentioned how he thinks Haliburton is just like one of us and also called him, ‘perfect’.

Another fan referred to Booker as a legend and also mentioned that he has also been spotted before with Klay Thompson.

Fans always get excited to spot their favorite celeb in a gleeful mood. One fan referred to how Booker T appeared happy and excited in the video.

While another Twitter user shared a short video in the comment section taking fans to the good old days and shared a similar throwback crossover.


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It was pretty evident that King Booker’s wishes meant a lot to Tyrese Haliburton. While the 23-year-old is already a star in the making, this crossover with the legend might just have given him the much-needed push on his way to greatness. 


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