
Street fights have become a regular affair, with teens, adults, and even older people engaging in violence. More often than not, the violence is due to an argument that could well be resolved without violence, but such is the prevalent atmosphere that violence is the first option.

However, a street fight with kids is not something that one could expect to see. One instance of a kid’s version of a street fight was shared on Reddit. It showed a group of five boys, all circling one boy.

Intense street fight between young boys


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They were all set and ready to beat the lone boy, but what followed was something straight out of a movie plot! The lone boy single-handedly managed to defend himself, hit back, and force the group into the back foot. He dished out powerful kicks and swift punches that left most boys wincing in pain. They all were grimacing in pain and on the floor after being hit.

He impressed users on Reddit with the grit and courage the boy showed. He did not get overhauled and used his mind and strength to save himself. The fight that many anticipated to be a simple affair for the five boys turned into a nightmare for them. The boy’s comeback and courage turned the clocks back to the Royal Rumble of 2008.

It was the year of John Cena’s comeback to WWE. He entered the top 5 of the Royal Rumble that year, set up against Kane, Batista, and Triple H. He ended up winning the fight after he eliminated Triple H, in a fight that made its name in WWE history.

Also Read: VIDEO: Internet Compares Woman to Floyd Mayweather After She Lands a Series of Precession Boxing Strikes to Destroy Her Opponent In a Street Fight

Reddit users react to boy’s immense courage


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One user said that he handled that with complete perfection. Moving around so quickly, not letting anyone get a second to rest. “Man he handled that perfectly the circling and not focusing on one guy was great”

Another said that it looked like the kid had Bruce Lee blood in him. “Does that kid have Bruce Lee DNA? Kudos!!”

A third user said that he looked like he practiced martial arts. “Doubt it, anyone who does martial arts is taught how to fight at LEAST 5 people at once. Or at least I am”


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The street fight was indeed a different genre from the ones we usually see, and the boy certainly won people’s hearts online. He put up a fight and avoided an unfavorable situation.

Watch this story – VIDEO: Texas and Colts Fans Ignite a Brutal WWE Royal Rumble Style Street Fight in Absolute Mayhem