
There are a few things in life that one should not attempt. Coming in front of a raging bull will surely be at the top of that list! Although bullfighting is one of the most popular sports in many parts of the world, it is still one of the most dangerous. Only trained professionals are allowed inside the arena with the bull, while others are advised to keep out. Now, what happens if someone does not abide by the rules and decides to enter, anyway? Well, then they would become an ideal source of viral internet videos and also face public humiliation. Just like the gentleman in today’s video! 

The way the person got manhandled by the bull was both fear-inducing and hilarious. The crowd waited with bated breath as they saw the bull running towards the man full of rage. What happened next? Let’s find out. 


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Crowd shocked as man gets ‘bull’-ied 

The viral video was posted on Twitter, now rebranded as X, from an account named Eileen McLaughlin. The 26-second-long video initially showed a backdrop of a bullfight. Everything seemed normal until a man entered the frame. All of a sudden, the person charged towards the bull, and everyone looked perplexed as to what was happening. 

As the man tried to evade the bull, he failed miserably. The bull chased him and tossed him on the ground with a flick of its horns. As soon as the man fell, he realized the danger and covered his head with his hands. The bull came running towards the man and shockingly enough, held the man by his pants. As the person was dangling dangerously mid-air, he tried to let go of the bull by twisting and turning. 

Well, all this twisting and turning did help the man get freed from the clutches of the bull. But it came at a hilarious cost. The person’s pants, along with his underwear, were taken off by the bull. Visibly, the man was embarrassed as he ran out of the field, covering his private parts with his t-shirt. The color of his t-shirt? Yes, you guessed it right- RED! 

Netizens have hilarious reactions to the video

The video was sarcastically and humorously captioned, “How a REAL man takes off his underwear..” The video gained more than 28k views at the time of reporting the jaw-dropping incident. The comment section was filled with hilarious reactions.

Read More: VIDEO: Man Learns Brutal Lesson After Messing With Skillful Wrestler in a Street Fight

One of the users commented that the only rule that one should keep in mind before stepping inside the ring with an unleashed bull is that the beast will always win, no matter what.

Another man sarcastically commented that he was not a ‘REAL’ man referring to the caption of the post.

“Draws swingin’ from bulls horn—priceless!!! 🤣🤣😂😆😅🍻🥂🥇🏆 award winning!!”, wrote another user.

While another Twitter user commented that he could not stop his laughter after watching the video clip.


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Another netizen commented on the same note reacting to the hilarious spectacle.


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This video serves as a stark reminder of the fact that teasing a wild animal might not always be a bright idea. Let us know what you feel in the comments below. 

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