
In a recent social media showdown, renowned analyst Clay Travis and Dallas Maverick owner Mark Cuban got into a Twitter spat. They found themselves engaged in a back-and-forth which went ugly.

Viewership Discussion Turned Ugly

Travis, in a tweet tagging the billionaire, asked him why the NFL set an all time viewership record this year – as did NCAA men’s & women’s basketball – but the NBA peaked 25 years ago in viewership.” 


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Mark Cuban refuted the claim by telling him that “NBA was more watched than every other TV show on TV, particularly in the young demos and the most popular on social media”. He also threw a jibe at the reporter, asking him what would happen to his show if AM radio is taken out of cars and trucks.

Travis, at this point, still kept the conversation civil, and talked about how Mark Cuban’s claims didn’t hold any water. He said “NBA finals ratings are at a thirty year lows. The data doesn’t lie. NBA ratings peaked 25 years ago. Meanwhile, NFL, CFB & men’s and women’s basketball continues to set record highs.” 

The Outkick boss then linked an article, titled “NBA Is The Original Bud Light. And No One in Mainstream Sports Media Will Tell You That,” which was published on his website. In this column, Travis wrote that NBA has alienated its fans by embracing “woke” agenda. He then proceeds to highlight the dip in viewership following their partnership with influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

Cuban was able to counteract with a couple of sources, asking Clay to show his data, which Clay was unable to provide.

Pivot To Human Rights Issues

After letting go of this, he then proceeds to ask Cuban about NBA’s silence on the human rights issues in China.

He wrote ” But while you’re here, let me ask you a question too @mcuban: should Chinese people have basic human rights. I think they should. Do you? Why will the NBA speak out so aggressively on, say, North Carolina bathroom bills and say nothing about China all while pocketing their billions? Shouldn’t basic human rights be a non-negotiable issue for a global brand like the NBA?”

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Cuban avoided addressing this issue head on, and chose to say “All people deserve human rights Clay, in all countries” 

This didn’t stop Travis though, and he pushed Cuban asking why NBA hasn’t released a statement yet, and that he would even be pleased if Cuban’s team, the Mavericks released a statement.

Cuban deflected again, and the conversation went from bad to worse in a jiffy. He shared a screenshot of a statement from Fox, the parent company of Outkick, suggesting that Travis was “woke” too.

The back and forth went on for a while more, as Travis called Cuban’s arguments lazy, and called him a “b***h” for not speaking out against China.

Cuban then responded, talking about the futility of name-calling. He stated that people who resort to name-calling usually know that they are on the wrong side of the argument.

Travis didn’t stop here though. He accused Cuban of prioritizing money over everything else, while pretending otherwise, using some very colorful words.


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After these barrages of tweets, Cuban has decided not to entertain any more tweets. Otherwise, this conversation seemed impossible to put an end to.

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