
A recent video posted on Twitter, now X, showcased an MMA-style fight outside the ring. An ordinary street altercation escalated and took an alarming turn when two men got involved in a street brawl! 

While one desperately attempted to save himself, the other resorted to MMA-style kicks. As a result of the heated brawl, the spectators present at the scene attempted to bring it to a halt. This incident has raised concerns about the public safety on the streets.

MMA-style kicks landed on the opponent


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The disturbing visual captured in the video presents a glimpse of the way an ordinary street fight spirals out of control. In the video, a street is seen where two men, one wearing a blue t-shirt and a hoodie, get involved in a physical condition with a bare-bodied man wearing shorts.  

Till then everything seemed ordinary in the short video that spans for 12 seconds. However, the incident turned out to be particularly unsettling when the acts of the man wearing a t-shirt started to resemble those seen in mixed martial arts (MMA) competitions. 

The man landed a series of kicks on the other person, exhibiting an aggressive display of lethal techniques during a street brawl. His calculative moves, landing the attacks on vulnerable areas of the opponents, show his close following of the sport. In return, the opponent struggled to protect himself from his blows in a futile state of defense.

Concerns and implications revolving around the video

While the attacker continued with his brutal MMA kick spree, the other person frantically tried to shield himself from the assault. However, no matter how much he tried to minimize the damage inflicted upon himself, his efforts turned out to be ineffective in front of the attacker’s striking prowess, and ultimately, he suffered from a fall. The video posted on X from the handle “Top Fight Video” has received 352.5K views. In the comment section, the viewers have outpoured their reactions.


Read More: VIDEO: Girl Interrupts MMA-Style Street Brawl Between Two Boys After Capturing the Fight on Camera


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The incident captured through the video sheds light on the vulnerability that individuals are often exposed to when confronted with unprovoked violence. With the presence of the onlookers, the clip raises questions about the role of spectators in quickly reporting these incidents to the authorities. 


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Hence, this video expounds the collective responsibility of society to foster safety and harmony within a community where disagreements can be addressed through non-violence means. Furthermore, the use of combat techniques outside the sports environment may lead to dire circumstances.

Watch This Story: VIDEO: Boy Suffers Seizure After Devastating UFC-Style Punch in Street Fight