
Nobody can be right or wrong in a street fight. The fact is why did it break out in the first place? Can the situation be better resolved through logical understanding sans violence?

In a recent video uploaded online, we see a guy knocking out another person. There is shoving involved by the troublemaker in question who gets an instant response from the gas station worker in the clip. The video shows bizarre scenes of a cold knockout.


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A gangster receives a brutal knockout

A video went online where a thug tries to confront and create chaos in a shop. He shoves the owner of the gas station and this triggers him. The owner turns on his MMA mode and knocks the out the thug raw and cold. It is instant karma working out for the knocked-out guy.

The cold knockout is also witnessed by the customers present in the gas station.

There is one more similar incident where a woman tried to create chaos in a store. She was abusing and was totally out of control. She was finally neutralized by a police official and turned to begging for not arresting her.

Also Read: VIDEO: Restaurant Turns Into a WWE Ring as Employees and Customers Destroy Each Other in a Brawl

People most of the time forget to act civil. When any such incident surfaces, there is definitely some justice in it. After the knockout in the gas station went online, a lot of reactions came in.

Reactions to the insane Knockout

There are a lot of comments on the Twitter handle regarding this video.

This comment refers to the chaotic personalities, and the method implied to neutralize the situation.

This comment appreciates the MMA-style punch which was thrown. It was fast and somewhat imitated a professional fighter. The power of his punch knocked out the guy twice his size.

This refers to the intensity and precision of the gas station worker. He knocked the big gangster out with a single punch. It was a really extraordinary scene.

This comment refers to the fake and rude gangster who was trying to make things unnecessarily difficult in the gas station.


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This comment refers to the gangster being uncomfortable in his clothing, which gave the gas station owner room for delivering that killer punch.


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Such fights can be devoured with enthusiasm and thrill, but when reality strikes, that’s when the seriousness of the issue unfolds. The state definitely needs to work towards curbing street violence which is increasing by the day in the US.

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