
In a memorable episode from the popular reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” Kim Kardashian, accompanied by her sister Khloe Kardashian and mother Kris Jenner, embarked on a comical adventure to test their baseball skills. What unfolded was a series of humorous and candid moments apart from some breathtaking baseball skills of the Kardashians.

The Baseball mishap

As the video commences, Kim, Khloe, and Kris gather on a baseball field, ready to embrace the sport. Kim, displaying her confidence, immediately points towards a spot and asks, “That’s the mount, right?”


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Unfortunately, Khloe interjects, correcting her sister by indicating that it’s actually first base. With a comedic twist, Kim explains her hesitant stride, saying, “I’m not wearing a bra, so I can’t run that fast.”

Kris Jenner instructs Kim to position herself correctly and assumes the role of the pitcher. Kim replies, “I know what I’m doing.”

However, Kim’s batting skills leave much to be desired, as she repeatedly misses the thrown balls. Frustrated, Kim argues that the balls didn’t reach the designated box, insisting they were balls rather than strikes.

Determined, she persists and finally manages to connect with the ball, embarking on a comical sprint toward first base. Meanwhile, Kris retrieves the ball and amusingly chases after second base.

Seeing her sister and mother know absolutely nothing about baseball, Khloe humorously says, “It feels like two headless chickens are running around the field.” Kris and Kim then reverse their roles with Kim pitching the ball to Kris.

Kim throws the ball with full power, leaving her mom with no option other than ducking. Inadvertently, in doing so, Kris falls to the ground and the video ends. Oops! Maybe the senior Jenner needed some medical treatment.

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The amusing fan reactions

The comical video sparked a flurry of reactions from fans in the comments section.

One fan humorously reminisced, “Kim’s ‘I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING‘ will always be iconic.” Indeed, Kim’s confident yet unsuccessful attempts to bat resonated with viewers.


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Another fan acknowledged Kris’ integral role in the Kardashian empire, exclaiming, “Kris is always the BEST!!! If it wasn’t for Kris, there would be no ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ show.

Khloe Kardashian‘s witty observation during the chaotic scene also garnered attention, prompting one fan to declare, “Chickens with their heads cut off running around the field. Me: dead.

Nonetheless, Kim Kardashian‘s entertaining foray into the world of baseball showcased the family’s humor and ability to find joy in unexpected situations. While Kim’s braless confession added an amusing twist, it was Kris’ unwavering determination and Khloe’s humorous commentary that truly stole the show.


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Also Read: $11,000,000,000 Mogul Enters the Tom Brady-Kim Kardashian ‘Rumor Tour’

So, did you enjoy this unforgettable baseball mishap by the Kardashians? Can you relate to their lighthearted escapades? Share your thoughts and join the conversation below!