Recently, a historic moment unfolded during the Paddy Power PDC World Darts tournament. As the players walked onto the stage, a male dancer was spotted waving pom poms alongside the female dancers. The group of dancers typically consists of only women, adding extra excitement and glamour to the event. Fans were both surprised and delighted to see a man among them!
As the cheerleading team danced their way to merriness, the fans could not help but notice that the male dancer looked like a known face. Indeed, the fans’ guesses were not wrong, and the dancer was a famous BBC star. So, who was this dancer? Let us unravel the identity of this history-making male dancer.
Fans in awe after watching famous BBC star dazzle at PDC World Darts
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As the PDC World Darts cheering team came equipped with well-rehearsed routines to perform during a player’s entry theme, the crowd bore witness to a surprising guest added to the team. The identity of the dancer was revealed to be none other than the ex-BBC Radio One host Chris Stark, who is also the proud co-host of the ‘That Peter Crouch Podcast.’ He shared a close bond with former England soccer star Peter Crouch and entertained the crowd thoroughly.
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The DJ sported the iconic vibrant green cheerleading outfit while nailing the routines with the pom poms. Although this was a welcome sight for the fans, there is a funny reason why Chris Stark signed up for the deed.
Why did Chris Stark perform at the PDC World Darts?
Chris Stark lost a soccer prediction challenge that landed him with this penalty. In a hilarious turn of events, Peter Crouch and the ex-Chelsea star Steve Sidwell chose a couple of tunes to which Stark had to dance during the entry. Stark took the challenge sportingly and stated, “It’s happening either way so I’m ready to go. I’ve got the routine down, and I have a brilliant team around me. I just don’t want to let anyone down here today.”
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However, Stark was an instant hit and entertained the fans like a true champion. The historic move was also welcomed by a spokesperson from Paddy Power, Rachel Kane, who seemed elated about the inclusion of Stark in the cheering team.
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