
Adventurous hiking turned into a nightmare! Custer County in the US state of Colorado, over the years, has secured a popular spot among the traveling enthusiasts abounding in picturesque hiking trails. However, the majestic site has transformed into a catastrophic spot in a recent tragic incident.

While hiking through the icy trails near Marble Mountain, two of the hikers slipped and got stranded in a precarious spot. This article chronicles the incident in detail, along with the rescue operations.

Adventurous hiking tuned dangerous


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The weather conditions have deteriorated in Custer County, and amidst such extreme temperatures, the hikers embarked on a hiking feat last Saturday, October 9. While traversing through the trail, among the team, one hiker lost their footing, which led him to get stranded at the cliff edge.  

It was the Custer County Search and Rescue (CCSAR) that came to the rescue by swiftly transporting to the spot after considering the situation to be life-threatening. Once they were reached out by a distress call, they immediately sprang to action and arrived at the spot with a team of eight professionals to dedicate themselves to prompt service. 

In the meantime, one of the CSSAR officials highlighted the risk of embarking on these hiking adventures due to extreme weather conditions with CBS KKTV 11News, “This time of year, it is wise to consider backcountry travel conditions.”

CSSAR’s heroic effort in challenging conditions

The terrain that the hikers were traversing through, with the combination of ice, snow, and mud, made it cumbersome for walking. Battling with all these challenges, the CSSAR officials refused to surrender and continued their operations through the otherwise familiar trails that transformed into hazardous pathways as the temperature started to drop.  


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However, the CCSAR team with their specialized training executed brilliantly in practical scenarios led to the safe recovery of the stranded hikers. With the joint effort from the team members, followed by the safe retrieval of the hikers from the precarious situation, they were transported safely to the vehicle.  

Although the CCSAR officials succeeded in their rescue mission, one of them reminded to follow safety protocols while setting out for outdoor hikes, “It’s getting darker earlier and the cold temps have arrived. Bringing warm layers, headlamps, and traction devices are all beneficial in variable temperatures and unknown trail conditions.”


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The incident serves as a stark reminder to have a well-prepared plan before going on outdoor adventures keeping undertrack the weather forecasts and trail conditions. The dramatic rescue by the CCSAR showcases the power of teamwork backed up by dedication that triumphed in avoiding catastrophe from a life-threatening situation.

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