
Hiking on a trail is a wholesome experience altogether. However, accidents also happen during such hikes as well. In a piece of recent news, a woman survived after falling from a 50-foot fall. The accident happened on Saturday around 5:30 p.m. Fire Officials quickly responded to the matter and took control of the situation.

The reason for the fall is not clear as yet. Northern Westchester Hiking trails are one of the most frequently visited hikes. People in the past have also visited the trail. Reports suggest the accident happened after the area received heavy rainfall.


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A Lucky Escape for the Woman

The woman should consider herself very lucky. Even after falling from a height of 50 feet, she survived. The incident happened around 5.30 pm. However, the fire officials quickly responded to the first call. Credit needs to go to the team for quickly taking action. In cases like these, a slight delay in time can cause serious damage. Luckily, the woman received treatment on time, which helped her to survive.

Read More: Three Hillwalkers Found Dead Hours After Failing to Return From Hike in Glen Coe

Dailyvoice, shared a few of the experiences of the team who saved the woman’s life.

“This was just another solid example of teamwork between all agencies – starting from dispatch – to best assist someone in need,” Croton fire officials said

The woman received her treatment at the Westchester Medical Center. Fortunately, she is not suffering from any life-threatening injuries at the moment. The crew completed the entire operation in just 15 minutes. A coordinated and swift effort allowed them to save the life of the woman. Hopefully, the woman quickly recovers from the injuries and returns to hiking.


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Swift and Coordinated Action by the Rescue Team

The Croton-On-Hudson Fire Department crew quickly found the woman on the wooded hill. She was stuck between Gorge Park and the upper trail path. The trail was already slippery because of the heavy rainfall in the area recently. As a result, the woman found it difficult to complete her hike smoothly. However, the rescue team was prepared for any such mishap.

The Yorktown Heights Fire Department also came forward and helped the team. They dispatched a utility task vehicle just in case they needed it to get the woman out of the woods. Accidents like these are a common sight while going for a hike. Precaution needs to be taken to avoid such kinds of accidents. What precautions should we take while going on a hike? Let us know about your suggestions in the comments below.


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