via Imago
Oelsnitz – PKW kollidiert mit Zug: Fahrer verstirbt 05.01.2023 gegen 16:45 Uhr Oelsnitz/ Erzgebirge, Innere Neuwieser Straße Fotograf: LausitzNews.de/Andrà März Heftiger Crash am Donnerstagnachmittag im Erzgebirge. Gegen 16:45 Uhr kollidierte ein Zug der Citybahn RB92, die von Glauchau kommend in Richtung Stollberg unterwegs war, mit einem auf dem Bahnübergang befindlichen PKW Opel. Trotz Gefahrenbremsung konnte der Zugführer eine Kollision mit dem PKW nicht mehr verhindern. Die Citybahn kollidierte mit dem Opel und schob ihn circa 50 Meter weiter, bevor der Zug zum Stehen kam. Umgehend eilten Rettungsdienst, Notarzt, Landes -und Bundespolizei sowie die Feuerwehren Neuwürschnitz, Oelsnitz sowie der diensthabende Kreisbrandmeister zu Copyright: xLausitzNews.de/Andrà xMärzx

via Imago
Oelsnitz – PKW kollidiert mit Zug: Fahrer verstirbt 05.01.2023 gegen 16:45 Uhr Oelsnitz/ Erzgebirge, Innere Neuwieser Straße Fotograf: LausitzNews.de/Andrà März Heftiger Crash am Donnerstagnachmittag im Erzgebirge. Gegen 16:45 Uhr kollidierte ein Zug der Citybahn RB92, die von Glauchau kommend in Richtung Stollberg unterwegs war, mit einem auf dem Bahnübergang befindlichen PKW Opel. Trotz Gefahrenbremsung konnte der Zugführer eine Kollision mit dem PKW nicht mehr verhindern. Die Citybahn kollidierte mit dem Opel und schob ihn circa 50 Meter weiter, bevor der Zug zum Stehen kam. Umgehend eilten Rettungsdienst, Notarzt, Landes -und Bundespolizei sowie die Feuerwehren Neuwürschnitz, Oelsnitz sowie der diensthabende Kreisbrandmeister zu Copyright: xLausitzNews.de/Andrà xMärzx
The citizens of Benton County, Iowa woke up to the horrifying and tragic news of the passing of 83-year-old John Rice. The cycling enthusiast was out for a ride in the wind and was making his way south to the U.S Highway 218, unaware of the dangers that were about to occur.
The crash involved a Nissan Altima, that hit John Rice at the intersection with 51st Street and it happened at around 2:30pm in the afternoon, in broad daylight. The driver of the fateful Nissan Altima was identified as 77-year-old Dewayne Arends of Oxford Junction. Unfortunately, authorities reported that Rice was pronounced dead on the scene.
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Iowa community left shocked
The number of cyclist deaths has seen a shocking rise over the past eighteen months or so. Reports of cyclists getting involved in fatal and brutal accidents are all over the news, especially, on highways and bridges.
John Rice was on a routine ride in the wind, enjoying the breeze and the adrenaline, thrill, and rush of cycling as the beautiful breeze hit the face. The driver of the fateful car, Dewayne Arends came out of the accident unscathed but took away a precious life instead.
Police have reported that the investigations of the accident and how it happened are ongoing, and details will be furnished soon.
Bicycle riders face a unique threat in the United States, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. In 2023 alone, 854 cyclists have lost their lives after being involved in a crash with a motor vehicle, accounting for roughly 2% of the total fatalities.
ALSO READ: VIDEO: Cycling Race Takes a Disastrous Turn After Bus Comes Out of Nowhere and Smashes Into Them
Benton County has left no stone unturned
With such a stark rise in cycling fatalities, on highways, there is a need to address and tackle the issue head-on. The victims of such tragic accidents and their families have to deal with extreme trauma and, in the process, end up getting duped in insurance and legal battles.
Speaking to the media after the crash, Candice Bond, a Managing Partner at Bond Legal, shed light on the issue at hand and what the victim’s families go through as well, “Bicyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road, and many factors can contribute to serious crashes.“It is imperative to come to a determination of the exact cause of these types of accidents. An attorney has the resources to review applicable insurance coverage, hire expert witnesses, run background checks, and locate witnesses. We carefully guide the family of the victim through the process,” said Bond, an attorney with experience in bicycle accidents.
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Benton County, Iowa members and officials have done their part in raising awareness about cycling in the community, highlighting its importance but also the need to protect them.
The members of the Iowa community have toiled hard to make their surroundings more cycling-friendly and create a space of joyful coexistence.
Their “Respect for Rural Roads” campaign was launched after the rise in popularity of gravel cycling and the troubles farmers faced due to the sport. The initiative appealed to the members to respect the farmers and their space and build an ecosystem where both can exist and not hinder each other.
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Another wonderful and heartwarming initiative of the community is the Bikes for Tikes nonprofit, which sees volunteers from all across the town come together to build bicycles for those who need them or just cannot afford them. The event was last held in December of 2022, for the thirteenth consecutive year, and saw 1500 cycles made. A sign of great community spirit and togetherness.
Watch this story – Maximizing Cycling Fitness in Times When Outdoor Riding Is Off The Table