
Conquering milestones in winter hiking ventures, two adventurers recently seized an audacious challenge in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Embarking on a frigid odyssey that defied nature’s wrath, Philip Carcia and Andrew Soares set out to summit the famed NH 48. Starting on December 22, 2023, they did not just cover all forty-eight peaks, but also made history in frozen climbs.

Hiking over a collection of peaks, the duo left their dedicated footmarks on each summit. Towering above 4,000 feet, these treacherous routes saw them braving snow and ice amid bone-chilling temperatures over 5 days. While the trip consisted of the shortest days of last year, this astounding feat was documented by other enthusiasts and media platforms. 

Hiking duo creates landmarks in winter escapades 


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Smashing records in winter hiking escapades, Carcia and Soares recalled ascending the frost-laden slopes of the mountains. Reaching a staggering 80,000 feet of dedicated steps, they shared delight in covering all 48 peaks. While the trip spanned just five days, 18 hours, and 58 minutes, the duo was seen overcoming all dire elements. 

Driven by a shared passion for pushing boundaries, the hiking enthusiasts noted facing struggles in surpassing their surrounding hurdles. As the journey demanded both physical and mental prowess, Carcia and Soares remembered seizing their goals within the planned schedules. 

In a candid statement on social media, Philip expressed details from this latest accomplishment, claiming, “I’m genuinely surprised one of us didn’t end up paralyzed.” Elaborating further on how both of them faced consistent falls throughout the venture, he also remarked, “They’re the kind of trail conditions where you literally can’t take your eyes off the trail”, adding, “You have to be fully engaged out there.”

Unfolding in the harsh grasp of winter’s chill, this epic hiking tour marked its course between December 22 and December 25. As the snow crunched beneath their boots, Carcia and Soares remembered the icy winds that gnawed at their resolve. Navigating a relentless course, the expedition also entailed multiple peak submissions in a single day. 

Consistent attempts showcase true passion for climbs

While the hiking routes demanded unrelenting focus, Carcia recounted the wrathful impacts of its freezing landscapes. Although both men were seasoned adventurers, they noted experiencing numerous setbacks daily as they battled these snowy terrains. Significantly, this trip resonated with Soares’ personal records from a previous attempt in 2019. 

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As per records, the hiking enthusiast was spotted covering all 48 peaks that year, while trekking in the winter months. Covering the tour within six days and 21 hours, Soares was the previous record-holder of this heart-pounding challenge. While Carcia noted him proposing a new route, he believed these modifications could decrease the timing by almost an entire day. 

Upon completing this recent hiking endeavor, Carcia reflected on the profound impact of his collaborative journey. Emphasizing the mere size of humanity in the wake of the universe, he explained, “You come out the other side and there’s a little bit of everything”, while continuing, “You’re mostly feeling small.” Additionally, he also mentioned feeling pride and intimidation while covering these humbling routes. 

Having previously set the hiking record, Andrew Soares overtook his own accolades this time while enjoying the expert company of Philip Carcia. Their camaraderie, tested by the harsh terrain, effectively resulted in historic milestones that surpassed all achievements in mountaineering courses. With 48 peaks under their belt, the trip did not just gain appraisal but also left footprints on the unwritten tales of the White Mountains. 


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