
Witnessing an in-school corridor fight between two young and unruly boys is not unusual in school. MMA-style punches, WWE-like kicks, and slams, you name it, they have all the action. A viral video circulating on social media showed two boys involved in a heated argument in the corridor and what followed afterwards could only give nightmares to any child.

One of the two boys mustered up all their strength to deliver a brutal punch to the face of the other. With all the other students watching with bated breath, the result of the punch left everyone in shock.

Jawbreaking finish to MMA-style school fight


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Uploaded on X by the page ‘BrutalFights“, the video had over 1.1 million views at the time of publishing. It has got the entire internet buzzing and people just cannot stop talking about it.

Although the clip is only 10 seconds long, the action within those 10 seconds is intense. The video started with both the boys in the center of the action.

One of them takes a wild MMA fighter-like swing and smashes his fist into the jaw of the other. The impact of the punch was so hard that we could hear the sound of a jaw breaking.

A second later, we see the power behind the punch: it left the other kid with a broken jaw. He was screaming in pain as he held his jaw and walked away as other students stood there in utter disbelief.

Just a few days ago, another heated street fight broke out between two young boys in the parking lot. One shirtless and the other in basketball attire battled it out to see who would come out with glory. The boy in red displayed MMA fighter-like precision and hit the other boy till he was knocked out cold.

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Internet reacts to brutal takedown

Some users sympathized with the young boy after his jaw was broken, while others made fun of his crying. Let’s take a look at how they reacted.

This user said that him screaming like a young girl after that punch was actually quite fitting.

Prime shared a photo that clearly described what he felt about the punch. He certainly thought the boy was dealt a brutal blow.

This user posed an interesting question for everyone to ponder on.

Noah said the boy that delivered the punch certainly felt bad after hearing those painful screams.

Vadasz said the boys should follow rules and not let the faculty find out.


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Even though the other boy earned fans online for his swift and powerful blow, such incidents in school are not safe. What do you think about such school fights?

Watch this story – Verbal Altercation at High-School Suddenly Escalates into MMA-style brawl, leaving Community stunned