Operator is the primary sniper rifle in Valorant. The gun, which costs 4500 credits, packs quite a punch with 225 damage on headshots, 150 damage on the torso, and 127 damage on arms/legs. These numbers make the gun the most expensive, as well as one that deals the highest damage in the game.
While the gun’s magazine can only hold 5 bullets, with a rate of fire of 0.75, anyone who is a decent sniper could make a considerable difference in the match with it. Additionally, its ability to scope in with a 2.5x and a 5x zoom makes it a force to be reckoned with.
The gun also has high penetration damage. Therefore, players can easily kill enemies behind walls or objects with a single hit.
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Valorant Needs a Balanced Weapons-Agent Chemistry
A lot of players and even professional gamers have complained that Valorant is one of the most inconsistent FPS games. Many believe the game has way too overpowered agents, abilities, or guns. This is why Riot frequently rolls out patch updates to achieve a balance. However, they clearly haven’t been able to do it satisfactorily.
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In a video uploaded by ‘Quarkwy’, a small YouTube channel currently making Valorant content, we can see how broken the Operator is.
Quarkwy starts off the video by showing how many Sages can be killed using one bullet. It’s clear that the Operator has the ability to kill an entire team if they are stacked in a line. While this might be a rare phenomenon in the game, it still is concerning,
The YouTuber also lined up a number of Sages to check out the bullet penetration of the Operator. The bullet went through 20 bodies! No matter how strong walls or objects, the Operator carries the potential to penetrate almost anything.
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Quarkwy uploaded the same video on the Valorant subreddit and almost all the users who commented on it, took a dig at Riot.
While other FPS games have strong sniper rifles as well, they are consistent since their characters are stable. However, the constantly changing metas of the agents also has an impact on how guns are used in Valorant.