When it comes to sprinting, Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world. The legend still holds the world records for 100m and 200m. No one has come close to beating the records of the legend Bolt.
In a recent interview, Bolt talked about how exactly his thought process works when it comes to racing. The legend talked about how he tried to distract himself from the thought of the race, a secret to winning.

The secret behind Bolt?s serenity before a race

Bolt’s achievements have never let fans down. Despite ending his athletic life, Bolt’s footprints will always remain carved in the history of track and field.

Recently, through an interview Bolt revealed his secret to avoiding nervousness before a race. The legendary sprinter thinks of every other thing rather than the race he’s participating in.

“I try to figure out if I’m gonna go out the night before I’m gonna have dinner. I try to distract myself from the actual race,? said the athlete.

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Thinking and focusing too much on the race might induce fearfulness or concern. Further, the thoughts might be confusing and be the reason for committing mistakes.

?Because the moment you start thinking too much about the race you start getting nervous, you start thinking ?remember this? remember that??, it confuses you and that’s how you make mistakes” he added.

The retired Jamaican track and field enthusiast stands out as an inspiration with his supremacy and experience.

Usain Bolt did a whole extra lap before he realized he had won

Clocking 9.58,Bolt made the world record in the 100 meters at the 2009 World Athletic Championship held in Berlin. Talking about which, Bolt says he was unaware of the fact that he made history.

His aim was not to break the record but to be faster than his biggest competitor, Tyson Gay. Bolt?s only wish was to prove himself better than Gay.

All I wanted to do was just to beat him and to prove that I was better than him. So, for me when I went out and I beat him, I ran all the way around the track,? said Bolt.

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Out of excitement, the athlete ran an extra lap and that was when the announcement of his world record was made.

?It was when I almost made it all the way back around and the announcer kind of announced that I brought the record that’s when I knew? added the sprinter.

The record, which still remains unbeaten proved why Bolt is the legend that he is. Even when he didn’t go to win, he clocked the world’s fastest speed.

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