Concern about a horse’s welfare is a constant topic of conversation among equestrian enthusiasts all around the world. Cyril Bertheau, a 24-year-old man, has lately raised questions about his ambitious intention to ride 2,300 miles from Austin to Seattle in 100 days, on his horse Shiok. Experts in the equestrian field, and animal rights activists have voiced their doubts about his endeavor. Worried primarily about Bertheau’s readiness and Shiok’s well-being, they inquired about his 100-day journey.
Despite the fact that the 24-year-old has already addressed his worries over his horse, several rumors started spreading after some significant allegations were made.
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Several concerns around the equestrian enthusiast
Cyril Bertheau, a Texan, used social media to keep other horse enthusiasts informed about his travels. Some people, though, began accusing him of mistreating his horse, and soon, other critiques began to pour in. Shiok’s regular feeding and medical exams were the focus of the caregivers’ daily worries. In social media postings, Bertheau assured followers that Shiok is well, but he still wouldn’t provide the animal’s medical documents. However, a Texas rancher who welcomed Bertheau and his horse early in their voyage has lately challenged this assertion, taking the debate to a whole new level.
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One Green Planet reports that the rancher has accused the 24-year-old of mistreating Shiok. The horse, he said, is hurt and doesn’t like its owner. The claims about the owner became more credible once photos of the horse’s swollen legs and scars began to circulate online. Concerns about the rider’s ethics are at the heart of this debate. Numerous rumors circulate that the Texan might go to extreme measures, such as selling the horse and the film of his expedition. The accusations have not been formally validated as of yet since experts needed to examine the horse to put an end to the discussion.

Concerning facts on animal cruelty
It is tragic how many incidences of animal abuse are reported every single day. Unlike violent crimes against people, animal cruelty is difficult to quantify because state or federal authorities do not keep track of it. Most reports of animal cruelty include domesticated dogs, cats, horses, and many more. Animal mistreatment is rampant in the industrial farming business, according to undercover investigations. It is difficult to provide an accurate tally of such instances since there is no such regulation governing the livestock business.
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The Uniform Crime Report now includes information on cruelty to animals as of January 1, 2016. It is a countrywide system for reporting crimes that is often utilized in murder investigations. Awareness of the problem of animal cruelty still has to grow in the United States; therefore, numerous communities are yet to adopt this.
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