
David Taylor is one of the greatest phenoms the world of wrestling has ever produced. He has surpassed countless opponents to achieve glory. Recently an update is making the rounds wherein Taylor is all praises for one such formidable rising talent. David Taylor has his own wrestling school that indoctrinates talented up-and-coming wrestlers to grace the mat at a global level.

He recently congratulated and lauded his support and unwavering love to one of the Creed brothers, set to ensnare the stage with his raw talent. This rustic wrestler is now under the radar of David Taylor. Just before making his grand WWE entry, he has a lot riding on their beginner’s luck and future successes with all of America depending on him. One could say he’s emulating Taylor’s characteristics to make his WWE debut arrive with a flourish.


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United in the ring, united they conquer!

Julius and his younger brother, Brutus Creed, joined WWE in late 2020 and February 2021, respectively. R?igning World Wrestling Champion David Taylor from the USA has expressed his support for a fellow wrestler who is making his debut in WWE. Taylor considers this fellow wrestler his “brother” in the wrestling arena. Taylor has re-posted a story on his Instagram, where the Creed brothers could be seen celebrating their victory through a reel shared by the official WWE page. Th? Cr??d Broth?rs hav? finally mad? th?ir WWE main rost?r d?but, and th? wr?stling world is buzzing with ?xcit?m?nt! On the October 30th edition of WWE Raw, the NXT pow?rhous?s secured a big win against the Alpha Acad?my, showcasing their incredible skills and potential.

The Creed brothers’ journey doesn’t stop at RAW. Julius, a two-time NCAA Division I All-American and former NXT Tag Team Champion, has already made quite an impact on his sibling. The Cr??d Broth?rs also triumphed in the 2022 M?n’s Dusty Rhod?s Tag Team Classic tournament in the NXT. And who came out on top again? That’s right, Brutus and Julius Cr??d, sealing their victory with a breathtaking move that put Carrillo through a table.

Olympic gold medalist David Taylor secured his third world wrestling championship title by pinning his rival, Hassan Yazdani of Iran, during the ongoing championships in Belgrade. The United States has had a strong start, claiming the first three gold medals of the competition.

According to Dav? M?ltz?r on Wr?stling Obs?rv?r Radio, WWE has some high hop?s for the brother, and it’s no surprise why. The night after their main rost?r debut, on the Halloween Havoc Night 2 episode of NXT (October 31), they took part in a thrilling ‘Tabl?s, Ladd?rs & Scar?s’ match against Humb?rto Carrillo and Angel Garza. This match was indeed spectacular, featuring shattered tabl?s and epic ladd?r action.


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David Taylor’s epic tale of greatness and ringside cheers for WWE rookie

David Morris Taylor is a promin?nt American fr??styl? wr?stl?r who comp?t?s in th? 86-kilogram w?ight class. In 2021, he won the Olympic gold medal by defeating the reigning Olympic and World Champion Hassan Yazdani. He also claimed the world title at the 2018 World Championship.

Also read: ?Raising the Bar”: Days After an Incredible Lift, WWE?s Ivy Nile Shares Another Powerful Moment With Iconic Pro-Wrestler Julius Creed

Taylor’s wr?stling journey began in 2010 when he won the University US National title. In 2012, he participated in the US Olympic Team Trials, demonstrating his commitment to the sport, even though he didn’t make the Olympic Team. In the climactic six-minute 86kg freestyle final, Taylor maintained a commanding lead of 9-3. The Olympian is all set to show his support for Julius Creed.


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Th? Cr??d Broth?rs ar? making wav?s in th? WWE, and fans ar? ?ag?rly awaiting what’s in stor? for this dynamic duo. To top it all off, they celebrated their victory by climbing a ladder on the entrance ramp, leaving fans wondering if this was their gateway to NXT. One thing is clear: WWE officials were mightily imprisoned for their performance on Raw against Otis and Chad Gabl?. Stay tuned for more updates on their journey in professional wrestling, as they are sure to make rabble rousers tick with their indubitable skill.

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