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The 2023 Big Ten Volleyball Championship is raging in full force and has served every element of thrill among its spectators. Now, as the championship has almost reached its conclusion, the Nebraska Huskers have ended their regular schedule on a great note.

Th? N?braska Husk?rs voll?yball t?am has ?mbark?d on an ?xtraordinary journ?y ov?r th? past thr?? months, achi?ving mil?ston?s in Lincoln that hav?n’t b??n s??n in last six years. On the same note, on November 17th, the face-off with Michigan where they scored 25-15, 25-12, and 25-20, have served the adrenaline rush to the the 8,815 fans who attended the Bob D?van?y Sports Center. As the Huskers continue their remarkable run, anticipation builds for further success as they approach the climax of the season.


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Huskers’ historic win ends 6-year home streak

With this r?sounding victory, th? Husk?rs ?xt?nd?d th?ir unbl?mish?d r?cord to 26-0 ov?rall and a flawl?ss 17-0 in Big T?n play against the Wolverines. Interestingly, to share the exciting news with the fandom, the official Twitter page of Big Ten Volleyball celebrated Huskers’ incredible performance and penned, “Nebraska finished the home portion of their regular season schedule undefeated.”

The prospect of claiming the outright Big Ten Championship looms large, and they stand just one win away with three matches left. The first opportunity to clinch the championship is in a showdown against Iowa. By securing their victory they broke a six-year home record, as they clinched one title back in 2017.

A standout achi?v?m?nt for th? Husk?rs is th?ir p?rf?ct 17-0 r?cord in r?gular-s?ason hom? match?s, a f?at last accomplish?d in 2017. The clash against the Wolverines showed Nebraska’s dominance with a steady.368 hitting percentage compared to the Wolverines’ average of.047. The statistical advantages were evident, with the Husk?rs securing a 41?27 lead in kills, an 8?5 lead in blocks, and a 45?34 lead in digs.


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The striking performance

Turning the spotlight to individual p?rformanc?s, Andi Jackson showcas?d h?r prow?ss with a r?markabl? .727 hitting percentage, notching nine kills and three blocks. Harp?r Murray contributed significantly with nin? kills and fiv? digs, while B?kka Allick’s performance included seven kills on an impressive 700 hitting rat? along with fiv? blocks. M?rritt B?ason added seven kills and nine digs to the stellar collaborative effort, and Ally Bat?nhorst tallied seven kills and four blocks.

On th? d?f?nsiv? front, L?xi Rodrigu?z play?d a pivotal role with 15 digs and four s?t assists, compl?m?nt?d by B?rg?n R?illy’s 28 assists, six digs, and four kills.?In Set 1, N?braska secured a 25-15 victory, hitting .333 and holding Michigan to a paltry 026.

Also read: Nebraska Huskers Volleyball Extend Their Winning Streak to 26 Games After Dominating Michigan State


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However, in s?t 2 witn?ss?d N?braska’s dominanc? with a 25-12 win, showcasing a formidabl? .474 hitting p?rc?ntag? whil? Michigan struggl?d with a -.067.
Th? Husk?rs s?al?d th? d?al in S?t 3 with a 25-20 victory, maintaining th?ir high l?v?l of p?rformanc?.

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