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The 4x All-American volleyball player, Deja McClendon, stands out as a promin?nt figur? in th? r?alm of voll?yball, not m?r?ly for h?r athl?tic prow?ss but also for h?r l?ad?rship rol?. She is a prominent member of Athl?t?s Unlimit?d Volleyball as the Player Executive Committee. Her influence extends beyond the court, reaching into the professional arena, where she currently serves as the Head of Player Engagement for Timout Softwar? Inc., leveraging technology to reshape the landscape of mental health in sports. However, McClendon has now decided to bid goodbye to his beloved arena.

Away from th? voll?yball ar?na, Deja McCl?ndon ?xhibits a div?rs? rang? of int?r?sts that r?fl?ct h?r multifac?t?d p?rsonality. Whether engaged in a good book, exploring new destinations, capturing moments through photography and videography, or indulging in retail therapy, she embodies a well-rounded life. Their passion for tennis adds another layer to their athletic pursuits, showcasing a love for different sports.


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Farewell insights from Penn State volleyball star

The Penn State graduate is now bringing her career to the finish line, but she ended everything on a great note. Recently, a tweet was shared on the official page of Athletes Unlimited with the caption, “@AUProSports, I’m so happy to finish my career like this.” Nobody is more deserving of the Teammate of the Year award than @deja_beja.”

She said, “I’m so happy to finish my career like this,” to the interviewer in a great light. McClendon then expressed her gratitude and stated, “To be chosen by these amazing women and amazing athletes as somebody who they would want in their sport, somebody who is there for them and supports them, whether it is on the court or off the court, makes me feel so validated.” She also mentioned that it was the feeling of joy that brought the team together all this time.

McCl?ndon is not only bilingual, flu?nt in both English and Polish, but sh? is also a graduat? of P?nn Stat? University, holding a d?gr?? in Broadcast Journalism and Communications. Her college career at Penn State was marked by exceptional achievements, including being a 4-time All-American volleyball player, a 2-time National Champion, and the recipient of the AVCA National Freshman of the Year award. The number 18, engraved on her jersey, holds sentimental value, reflecting a lucky charm from their college days.

A bit more about McClendon!

D?ja McCl?ndon, at the age of 12, has grappl?d with alopecia ar?ata, an autoimmun? dis?as? causing quarter-sized hair loss spots due to stress. Throughout high school, university, and her professional journey until 2018, she navigated the stigma surrounding small hair loss, sharing this story only with close family and her best friend.


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Post-coll?g?, McCl?ndon ?mbark?d on a prof?ssional voll?yball car??r that spann?d six s?asons, taking h?r to various countries such as Brazil, Italy, Poland, Az?rbaijan, and pr?s?ntly, Dallas, T?xas with Athl?t?s Unlimit?d.

Throughout h?r journ?y, McCl?ndon acknowl?dg?s th? instrum?ntal rol? play?d by h?r club coach, M?lissa Stark B?an, in shaping h?r lif?. This acknowledgment underscores the importance of mentorship and guidance in the development of students.

Also read: Team Nuneviller Spoils Farewell of Hentz?s Squad?s Star Player in a Nail-Biting Finish at Athlete Unlimited Volleyball


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Her background, combining sports and communication, positions her as a valuable contributor to the volleyball community and beyond, exemplifying a dedication to making a meaningful impact both on and off the court. We wish her all the best for her upcoming future.

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